Thanks Pete

But I have changed both my gateway-config.xml and flex-config.xml files 
(both attached) and I still do not get any debug output in the Jrun console.

I have also attached my mxml and php (service) files as follows (hope 
these are OK):

rbox.....mxml => the main application which calls a RemoteSummary component.
RemoteSUmmary.mxml => which uses the associated AS file

HelloAgain.php is positioned in my Xampp(apache2) services folder.

The AllResults button triggers the call to the service, and the 
bottom_label binds to the service result.

Hope you can help me.

Thanks again


Peter Farland wrote:

> Right, they’re new to Flex 2 so they won’t be there in Flex 1.5.
> For Flex 1.5, have you tried using debug level logging on the server 
> by changing the /WEB-INF/flex/gateway-config.xml file to use Debug 
> level logging and then watched the console or the standard out/err 
> logs from your app server?
> If you can’t work it out, can you send me a zip (with the file 
> extension renamed to .zp) directly?
> Pete
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> *On Behalf Of *Duncan McMillan
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 29, 2006 10:46 AM
> *To:*; Duncan McMillan
> *Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Net.Connection debugger - Is there 
> something like it in Flex2?
> Hi Pete
> I'm using Flex 1.5 and it seems that mx.utils.ObjectUtil and the
> TraceTarget facilities are not available.
> I'm trying to debug an RPC using RemoteObject and getting nowhere as I
> cannot seem to use the NetConnectionDebugger either. The network monitor
> sees the RPC call but the busy cursor just remains for ever.
> Any further ideas?
> Thanks
> Duncan
> Peter Farland wrote On 06/06/06 15:42,:
>> If you're using a raw NetConnection, then... no, not natively from the
>> client. There are third party tools out there that sniffing AMF over
>> HTTP traffic.
>> However, I'd first try using some of the utilities that Flex has to
>> dumping an object graph to a string:
>> import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
>> ...
>> trace(ObjectUtil.toString(result));
>> If you were using FDS channels and messaging then you could take
>> advantage of the mx.logging framework by creating a trace target to dump
>> the traffic out to the flashlog.txt file. A simple way to do this is 
> to add
>> <mx:TraceTarget level="0" />
>> to your MXML to see everything that was logged... however if you want to
>> filter this information you'll need to read up on the ASDoc on logging
>> targets and use some script to customize the information being displayed.
>> FWIW, NetConnection Debugger relied on some mix-ins in your app that
>> intercepted trace calls to an underlying NetConnection and then
>> broadcast this information on a local connection to the NCD... Flex 2
>> has moved beyond this architecture and now uses a messaging framework
>> and a logging API that decouples how a request is made from the service
>> being contacted. I would love to see people in the community writing
>> their own implementations of mx.messaging.Channel or perhaps a simple
>> mx.logging.ILoggingTarget that reported info back to the old NCD!
>> Pete
>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* 
> <> 
> [ <>]
>> *On Behalf Of *Phil Marston
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 06, 2006 9:52 AM
>> *To:* <>
>> *Subject:* [flexcoders] Net.Connection debugger - Is there something
>> like it in Flex2?
>> or any other way of seeing what's being sent to AMFPHP and coming back?
>> Cheers,
>> Phil
>> --
>> __________________________________________________________
>> Phil Marston
>> Learning Technologist
>> Learning Technology Unit
>> Edward Wright G33, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB24 3QY, UK
> <> Tel: +44(0)1224
>> 273329 / +44(0)7798 723660
> <>
>> < 
> <>>
>> <> 
> < <>>
>> __________________________________________________________
>> The University of Aberdeen Open Day 29th August 2006
>> Booking is essential
>> email [EMAIL PROTECTED] <> 
> <>
>> or call 0800 027 1495

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methodTable = array("Echo" => array( "description" => "Echos the passed argument back to Flash (no need to set the return type)", "access" => "remote", // available values are private, public, remote "arguments" => array ("arg1") ) ); } function Echo(){ arg1 = "Idiot!"; return arg1; } } ?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""; xmlns="*"
    pageTitle="My Casino Application">
    <!-- Style sheet used in this application -->
    <mx:Style source="../css/industrial_cas.css"/>
                @font-face {
                        font-family: chartLabelFont;
                        src: local("Arial");

                .vBarGridlines {
                        direction: both;
                        verticalFill: #FFEEAA;
                        verticalTickAligned: false;

                ColumnChart {
                        font-family: chartLabelFont;
                        gridLinesStyle: vBarGridlines;
                        verticalAxisStyle: linedNumericAxis;
                        horizontalAxisStyle: hangingCategoryAxis;

                <mx:SeriesInterpolate duration="200" elementOffset="5" 
name="drillDownEffect" />

                <mx:HBox id="hb" horizontalGap="4"  width="900" height="490">
            <mx:Canvas id="leftCanvas" width="550" height="100%" 
                                <CasChart id="caschart"/>
            <mx:VBox width="20%" height="100%">
                <mx:Canvas id="topCanvas" width="340" height="60%" 
vScrollPolicy="off" hScrollPolicy="off">
                    <!-- A custom component (RemoteSummary.mxml) that displays 
details for the product selected in ThumbnailView or GridView.
                    The dataObject attribute of the component is bound to the 
selectedItem instance variable ensuring that the ProductDetail component is 
automatically notified
                    when the selected item changes -->
                    <RemoteSummary id="remotesummary" width="100%" 
height="100%" vScrollPolicy="off"/>
                <mx:Canvas id="bottomCanvas" width="340" height="40%" 
vScrollPolicy="off" hScrollPolicy="off">
                    <!-- A custom component (CasView.mxml) that displays the 
content of the shopping cart. This is a good example of separation between the 
user interface logic
                        and the data in your application. This component 
focuses exclusively on the user interface aspect of the shopping cart.
                        The ShoppingCart class is responsible for the data 
aspect. The dataObject attribute of the Cartview component
                        is bound to cart (the instance of ShoppingCart declared 
at the top of this file) -->
                    <CasView id="casView" width="100%" height="100%" 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!-- A custom component that displays details for a specific product provided 
using the dataObject attribute-->

<mx:Panel xmlns:mx="";
    title="Result Details"
    <!-- The ActionScript code for this class is externalized in a separate .as 
file for better readability -->
                var arg1;
                function changebottomText(event) {
                        arg1 = service.Echo.result;
        <mx:Script source=""/>

        <!-- endpoint is the location of the gateway file. source is the name 
of the 
     service (can be fully qualified like com.mydomain.MyService). AMFPHP does 
not support 
     named arguments but you can simply write them as arg1, arg2, etc. 
         The result will be available in service.doSomething.result. -->
        <mx:RemoteObject endpoint=""; 
                        <mx:method name="Echo">
        <mx:Zoom name="big" zoomTo="105" duration="100"/>
        <mx:Zoom name="small" zoomTo="100" duration="100"/>

    <mx:HBox verticalAlign="middle">
        <mx:Canvas  borderStyle="solid" clipContent="false" width="320" 
height="195" backgroundColor="#FFFF00">
            <mx:Label maxHeight="100" maxWidth="310" textAlign="center" 
id="top_detail" text="See all 888 results by clicking the all paypal button"/>
            <mx:Label id="bottom_detail" text="{service.Echo.result.arg1}"/>
                        <mx:DataGrid id="dg2"
                                height="40%" borderStyle="none" x="160" y="260">
columnName="month" headerText="Month" width="110" textAlign="center"/>
columnName="total" headerText="Total" width="110" textAlign="center" 

    <mx:ControlBar id="res_ctrl" height="50">
        <mx:Button label="This Paypal" click="displayDetails();"/>
        <mx:Button label="All Results" click="service.Echo.send()"/>
        <mx:Button label="All Paypal" click="changeResults();"/>

// sample data for the result view data
var ResultViewData = [
        {month: "September",    total: "£230.54" }

function displayDetails(event) {
        top_detail.text ="Your Top details will appear here";

function changeResults(event) {
        var ResultViewData = [
                {month: "August",       total: "£120.04" }, 
                {month: "September",    total: "£230.54" }
        dg2.dataProvider = ResultViewData;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<flex-config xmlns="";>

    <!-- When production-mode is true: all debugging options are set to false and
          compiler dependency check is turned off so apps will not automatically 
          be recompiled when source files are modified.

    <!-- When production-mode=true, the debugging options are always
         false and may not be set. -->

        <!-- allow override of values in debugging section via
             query parameter on a per-request basis, if applicable -->

        <!-- generate swfs and swds for debugging -->
        <!-- query parameter override - ?debug=true/?debug=false -->

        <!-- generate swfs and swfs for profiling -->
        <!-- query parameter override - ?asprofile=true/?asprofile=false -->

        <!-- write file to disk -->
        <!-- These files are generated by the compiler during mxml translation. -->

        <!-- write generated swfs/swds to disk -->

        <!-- show all compiler warnings -->
        <!-- query parameter override - ?showAllWarnings=true/?showAllWarnings=false -->

        <!-- When show-all-warnings is true, this value controls whether or not
             compiler override warnings are shown. When show-all-warnings is false,
             this value will have no effect. -->

        <!-- Controls whether warnings are displayed when a deprecated API is used. -->

        <!-- When show-all-warnings is true, this value controls whether or not
                     binding warnings are shown. When show-all-warnings is false,
                     this value will have no effect. -->
        <!-- query parameter override - ?showBindingWarnings=true/?showBindingWarnings=false -->

        <!-- turn on debug to see the request and response on the server side as well
             as debug information in client side tracing -->

        <!-- turn on debug to see the request and response on the server side -->

        <!-- turn on debug to see the request and response on the server side as well
             as debug information in client side tracing -->

        <!-- display stack traces in browser error messages -->

        <!-- if true, source code context lines will be shown in the error pages -->

        <!-- if true, compiler errors are logged to the Logger as errors -->

        <!-- generate an xml file in the application directory summarizing compile 
             options and symbol dependencies -->


        <!-- locations may be specified as a URL relative to the context root,
            a complete URL or an absolute file path -->

        <!-- location of global stylesheet -->

        <!-- generate accessible swfs -->
        <!-- query parameter override - ?accessible=true/?accessible is false;
             this override is always available -->

        <!-- the password to include in debuggable swfs -->
        <!-- default is empty-string password -->

        <!-- generate an optimized swfs; This option is ignored when a
             debug or profile swf is generated -->

        <!-- resolve the specified namespaces to their component definition file -->
            <namespace uri="";>

        <!-- path locations of actionscript class files -->

        <!-- the location of the standard Flex instrinsics -->
        <!-- This value should not be modified unless you have changed
             the location of this standard Flex directory. -->

        <!-- path locations of component libraries, including
             swcs, mxml, and as components -->
             Note: all SWCs found in the lib-path are merged together
             and resolved via priority and version.  The order is ignored.
        <!-- the standard Flex frameworks library should not be removed -->

        <!-- path locations of the debug version of component libraries,
             including swcs, mxml, and as components -->
             Note: debug SWCs are ignored unless the debug flag is
             set during compilation.  When the debug flag is set,
             these libraries will be merged with the regular libraries,
             but at a higher priority level.  Mixing old debug
             libraries with new standard libraries would thus be a Bad Idea.
        <!-- the standard Flex frameworks library should not be removed -->

             When headless-server is true, the system property java.awt.headless will be set to true.
             This should be used with JDK 1.4+ on servers without graphics cards and
             monitors.  Otherwise, the property is not set.

        <!-- cache compiled custom components as swo files -->
        <!-- content cache for dynamically generated SWF, SWD, and HTML -->
        <!-- source cache for dynamically generated MXML (from JSP) -->
        <!-- force a check for validation of page freshness every XX seconds -->
        <!-- check for changes to dependent files on disk every XX seconds -->
        <!-- when production-mode is true, the file watcher runs once at startup -->

        <!-- enable/disable player detection -->

        <!-- require 7.0.14 -->
        <!-- required player version -->
        <!-- 'dot' release of the required player -->
        <!-- minor revision number of the required player -->

        <!-- auto-install the player on windows and ie-only -->
        <!-- When windows-auto-install is true, IE will attempt to download the ActiveX player without
             user intervention.  When false, the user is directed to the download url for upgrade. -->
        <!-- player upgrade page - users without the required Flash version will be directed here -->
        <!-- activex upgrade page - the location for downloading the ActiveX player-->
        <!-- plugin upgrade page - the location for downloading the Plugin version of the player -->

        <!-- all locations may be specified as a URL relative to the web server document root,
             or a complete http URL; to specify relative to the context root, please
             include {context.root}
             NOTE: do not use a leading slash with {context.root} -->

        <!-- determine whether the proxy is used or bypassed.
             client - up to the client via the useProxy attribute on the WebService, if unspecified will use the proxy
             always - always use the proxy, useProxy='false' on the WebService will generate a Warning
             never  - never use the proxy, useProxy='true' on WebService will generate a Warning

        <!-- the web service proxy to use when calling a page over http or -->
        <!-- when protocol is specified as http -->
        <!-- the web service proxy to use when calling a page over https or -->
        <!-- when protocol is specified as https -->

        <!-- use proxy specified via flashvars or query parameter ?proxyURL=XXX -->

        <!-- the external http proxy that all requests should go through. -->
        <!-- location is the servername and port to use as the http proxy.  -->
        <!-- username and password should only be specified when basic -->
        <!-- authentication is being used for security on the proxy. -->
        <!-- nt-domain should only be specified (along with username and password) -->
        <!-- if NTLM authentication is being used on the proxy. -->
        <!-- <external-proxy> -->
          <!-- <location>server:8080</location> -->
          <!-- <username>username</username> -->
          <!-- <password>pwd</password> -->
          <!-- <nt-domain>domain</nt-domain> -->  
        <!-- </external-proxy> -->

        <!-- Use a pooled connection manager that allows the given number of -->
        <!-- connections.  The default is 50.  Specify 0 to turn off this feature -->
        <!-- <max-connections>50</max-connections> -->

        <!-- Whether to accept self-signed certificates.  Dangerous in production -->

        <!-- a list of urls accessible via this web service proxy -->
        <!-- the {localserver} token may be added in place of actual host and port number
            to ensure that services created with relative URLs are allowed -->
            <!-- config for unnamed web services -->
                For security, the whitelist is locked down by default.
                Uncomment the first two urls below to enable access to all URLs,
                or the last two urls to enable access to the local server,
                or add above the individual URLs you wish to access.
            <!-- config for named web services -->
            <!-- <named> -->
                <!-- define a web service which may be referenced by name from mxml -->
                <!-- <service name="service"> -->
                    <!-- enables use of custom fault code on the client for handling authentication failures -->
                    <!-- <use-custom-authentication>false</use-custom-authentication> -->
                    <!-- wsdl location for the named service -->
                    <!-- <wsdl>http://localhost:8100/flex/flex-proxy/servicename?wsdl</wsdl> -->
                    <!-- endpoints for the named web service -->
                    <!-- <endpoints> -->
                        <!-- actual url to use when accessing the named web service -->
                        <!-- <endpoint>http://localhost:8100/flex/flex-proxy/servicename</endpoint> -->
                    <!-- </endpoints> -->
                    <!-- user-name and password to use when accessing this web service -->
                    <!-- <run-as user="user" password="pwd"/> -->
                    <!-- Adds the service's wsdl and endpoints to the unnamed whitelist.  If false, these can never be used unnamed -->
                    <!-- This should be set to false if using web application security with this named service -->
                    <!-- <allow-unnamed-access>true</allow-unnamed-access> -->
                 <!-- </service> -->
            <!-- </named> -->

        <!-- determine whether the proxy is used or bypassed.
             client - up to the client via the useProxy attribute on the HTTPService, if unspecified will use the proxy
             always - always use the proxy, useProxy='false' on the HTTPService will generate a Warning
             never  - never use the proxy, useProxy='true' on HTTPService will generate a Warning

        <!-- all locations may be specified as a URL relative to the web server document root,
             or a complete http URL; to specify relative to the context root, please
             include {context.root}
             NOTE: do not use a leading slash with {context.root} -->

        <!-- the http service proxy to use when calling a page over http or -->
        <!-- when protocol is specified as http -->
        <!-- the http service proxy to use when calling a page over https or -->
        <!-- when protocol is specified as https -->

        <!-- use proxy specified via flashvars or query parameter ?proxyURL=XXX -->

        <!-- the external http proxy that all requests should go through. -->
        <!-- location is the servername and port to use as the http proxy.  -->
        <!-- username and password should only be specified when basic -->
        <!-- authentication is being used for security on the proxy. -->
        <!-- nt-domain should only be specified (along with username and password) -->
        <!-- if NTLM authentication is being used on the proxy. -->
        <!-- <external-proxy> -->
          <!-- <location>server:8080</location> -->
          <!-- <username>username</username> -->
          <!-- <password>pwd</password> -->
          <!-- <nt-domain>domain</nt-domain> -->  
        <!-- </external-proxy> -->

        <!-- Use a pooled connection manager that allows the given number of -->
        <!-- connections.  The default is 50.  Specify 0 to turn off this feature -->
        <!-- <max-connections>50</max-connections> -->

        <!-- Whether to accept self-signed certificates.  Dangerous in production -->

        <!-- a list of urls accessible via this http service proxy -->
        <!-- the {localserver} token may be added in place of actual host and port number
            to ensure that services created with relative URLs are allowed -->
            <!-- whitelist config for unnamed services -->
                For security, the whitelist is locked down by default.
                Uncomment the first two urls below to enable access to all URLs,
                or the last two urls to enable access to the local server,
                or add above the individual URLs you wish to access.
            <!-- whitelist config for named http services -->
            <!-- <named> -->
                <!-- define an http service which may be referenced by name from mxml -->
                <!-- <service name="service"> -->
                    <!-- enables use of custom fault code on the client for handling authentication failures -->
                    <!-- <use-custom-authentication>false</use-custom-authentication> -->
                    <!-- actual url to use when accessing the named http service -->
                    <!-- <url>http://localhost:8100/flex/servicename</url> -->
                    <!-- user-name and password to use when accessing this http service -->
                    <!-- <run-as user="user" password="pwd"/> -->
                    <!-- Adds the service's url to the unnamed whitelist.  If false, these can never be used unnamed -->
                    <!-- This should be set to false if using web application security with this named service -->
                    <!-- <allow-unnamed-access>true</allow-unnamed-access> -->
                <!-- </service> -->
            <!-- </named> -->

        <!-- all locations may be specified as a URL relative to the web server document root,
             or a complete http URL; to specify relative to the context root, please
             include {context.root}
             NOTE: do not use a leading slash with {context.root} -->

        <!-- The location of the AMF Gateway. The value below is used
             when calling a page over http or when protocol is specified as http -->

        <!-- The location of the AMF Gateway to use when calling a page over https
             or when protocol is specified as https -->

        <!-- use proxy specified via flashvars or query parameter ?remoteURL=XXX -->

        <!-- a list of urls accessible via this remote objects proxy -->
            <!-- whitelist config for unnamed objects -->
                For security, the whitelist is locked down by default.

                Uncomment the source element below to enable access to all classes
                during development.

                We strongly recommend not allowing access to all source files
                in production, since this exposes Java and Flex system classes.
            <!-- whitelist config for named objects -->
            <!-- <named> -->

                <!-- define a remote objects which may be referenced by name from mxml -->
                <!-- <object name="myobj"> -->
                    <!-- Flex uses this name to access the object -->
                    <!-- <source>remote.DatatypesTest</source> -->

                    <!-- the type of the source being accessed - e.g. stateful-class or stateless-class -->
                    <!-- <type>stateless-class</type> -->

                    <!-- instructs the gateway to only allow authenticated users to invoke this service
                         this is required when using normal J2EE Basic authentication -->
                    <!-- <use-basic-authentication>true</use-basic-authentication> -->

                    <!-- informs the gateway that is should attempt to use its own custom authentication mechansim
                         as configured in the login-command section of gateway-config.xml -->
                    <!-- <use-custom-authentication>true</use-custom-authentication> -->

                    <!-- Adds the service's source to the unnamed whitelist.  If false, these can never be used as unnamed sources -->
                    <!-- This will be forced to false if this named object requires authentication -->
                    <!-- <allow-unnamed-access>true</allow-unnamed-access> -->

                    <!-- custom authorization roles can be specified when using custom authentication -->
                <!-- </object> -->
            <!-- </named> -->

        <!-- level of logging - error, warn, info, debug -->

        <!-- console messages are logged to System.out -->
            <!-- enable/disable console logging -->

        <!-- file messages are logged to the specified file name -->
            <!-- enable/disable file logging -->
            <!-- log file location -->
            <!-- location may be an absolute path -->
            <!-- or, location may start with '/' and specify a virtual path which can be resolved by the getRealPath method of the ServletContext -->
            <!-- maximum log file size -->
            <!-- maximum number of backup log files to maintain -->

    <!-- Font caching significantly improves embedded font generation times and exists for
         the life of the server -->
        <!-- Maximum number of fonts to keep in the cache -->
        <!-- Controls the maximum number of character glyph-outlines to cache for each font face -->
            <!-- <manager-class>macromedia.fonts.BatikFontManager</manager-class> -->
            <!-- Defines a range of unicode settings for a particular language -
            this is used to determine which characters from a font will be embedded
            in a swf -->
            <!-- The flash-unicode-table.xml file (in this directory) can be used as a reference
                for the Flash MX 2004 UnicodeTable.xml character ranges - you can copy the
                desired character mappings to this file and use them in your CSS @font-face rules -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    AMF Gateway Configuration File - Version 1.1

    This presence of this file overrides the legacy behavior of
    the gateway. It allows the developer to customize which
    services are available.

    This file also introduces the concept of a basic whitelist
    which allows the developer to restrict access to
    particular classes and JNDI names.
<gateway-config xmlns="";>

    This list establishes which service adapters are enabled and
    the order in which they are queried when searching for a supported service.
        <adapter type="stateful-class"></adapter>
        <adapter type="stateless-class"></adapter>
        <!--<adapter type="ejb"></adapter>-->
        <adapter type="servlet"></adapter>
        <!--<adapter type="jmx"></adapter>-->
        <!--<adapter type="ssas"></adapter>-->

    <!-- The flashgateway.log.Logger implementation used to redirect
     logging information, depending on the application. -->
    <logger level="Debug"></logger>

        <!-- The implementation used
         to perform local authentication, depending on the application
         If server-match is contained in the result of ServletContext.getServerInfo(),
         then we use the given login-command.  If no server-match is given,
         then the given login-command is always used.  -->

        <!-- Stack traces are useful for debugging and product support, but they should
        not be sent to the client in "production mode" as they can expose internal
        information about the system. -->

        <!-- A whitelist specifies which remote sources can be accessed through the
        gateway. The * character can be used as a wildcard to imply ALL matches. -->

        <!-- In Flex we share the RemoteObject whitelist in flex-config.xml by default.
         The AMF Gateway servlet uses an init-param in /WEB-INF/web.xml to configure the
        whitelist location. -->

    <!-- A redirect URL can be supplied to handle HTTP requests that were
     not sent with AMF data -->

    <!-- Determines how complex objects/generic class data types are to be
    handled by the gateway. The two options are Classic or Flex.

    Classic mode performs shallow serialization on all non-static fields
    for classes implemeting

    Flex mode requires Macromedia Flex's RemoteObject serialization library
    and performs deep serialization on fields with bean accessors for any
     class. -->

    <!-- ActionScript 1.0 and ColdFusion use case insensitive data structures
    to store associative arrays, objects and structs - the Java representation
    of these datatypes requires a case-insensitive Map, which the gateway
    achieves by forcing lower-case keys. ActionScript 2.0 is now case sensitive,
    and users may wish to disable this behavior by setting lowercase-keys
    to false. -->


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