

The first load is THE issue here. There are some choices though and MXML supports some low level changes that could make the perception of loading far less.


  1. Template remains on hard cacheable url where version is part of the URL like so:
    1. http://server/template/003template.swf
  2. Use of Shared Objects and Library Project to cache commonly used components.
  3. Use of custom preloader.
  4. JS Preloading of the Template via <img/>.
  5. Use of an ASProject or SimpleApplication template to load Flex resources as templates. Base template and sub-templates.


Once the template is cached, page loading will be very fast as the model is already loaded. In most RIA work, the model is loaded through the base application, in this case the model arrived before the template is instantiated and can determine the template used. I keep thinking about the templates here as a lens to look at the model and lots of other data or sub applications.


I spoke to Roger about the instantiation phase of a Flex2 application in regards to the generatedAS, SystemManager, [Frame] meta, and Preloader. There are some items in there to enable some wild customization if we need to get that deep. Personally I think there is a solution in using the base Application.


More to come!


Ted :)



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Michael Hansen
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2006 2:19 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Shouldn't we use Flex to built website



I've had the same thoughts for quite awhile. The techniques you describe could be used for making an awesome CMS system.

The only problem is the initial file size. A typical MXML applications start off with a fairly high initial download size before _any_ viewing of content. Users _hate_ this. They wanna start reading from the get go, just like the HTML load stack allows. It's the small things that pisses people off I'm afraid.

You probably know this, but Roger (of Adobe) has begun some work on shared resource injection (as far as i rememeber) which i've yet to read through. But still, as long the framework code is a big blob there no way to implement a HTML load stack, right?

Looking forward to see some postings from you.



On 6/28/06, Ted Patrick < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I need to post a few examples but you can use Flex as a very powerful
templating engine for large content sites. I am evaluating a technique
that provides seamless search engine support, restful urls
(del.icio.us), rich presentation, and API RIA like interactivity.
Basically you have 1 Flex SWF file that provides the site template and
based on the URL loaded, the Flex SWF is injected with HTML/XML/URL/AMF
data based on the page.

The idea is to cleanly separate presentation from the data that drives
the page itself. HTML and AJAX force you into delivering a server merged
data/design to the client where Flash Player/SWF can merge the
presentation/data tier on the client side. Plus with E4X you can bind
controls to the injected XML/Data for very powerful interactive

1. Load HTML/XML Page with SWFObject DIV Overwrite.
2. Inject HTML/XML/URL/AMF into Flex SWF Template
3. Layout the data in Flash Player interactively. The SWF here might
support many States, Components, Panels, Forms that simplify user
4. Restful URLs that allow for bookmark support and inner interactivity.

One of the key advantages is that you can skin a complete site by
changing one file. Once cached loading time is minimal and typically as
fast or faster than transferring a large quantity of HTML with images,

If anyone is interested in working on formalizing this design with me in
the community, I am wide open to suggestions.

Free your mind, Flex 2 can be anything you want it to be. You can use it
in the small (Widgets), in the large (Application), or somewhere

What is funny is that this solution actually delivers the promise that
XML/XSL tried to deliver a few years back but with layout containers,
controls, states, and interactivity.


Ted Patrick
Flex Evangelist
Adobe Systems Incorporated



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