Thanks for that response; it was very helpful! I’ll need to do some tries of my own as I generally end up being both the client and the back-end developer for many of the projects I work on.




From: [] On Behalf Of JesterXL
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 19:23
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] ColdFusion vs. PHP as the back-end


First, you CAN pass ValueObjects via Java and PHP.  Java via OpenAMF, and PHP via AMFPHP.  ColdFusion just now has the edge.


Second, Remoting as we refer to it, allows you to:

1. call back-end services like you'd call regular methods

2. pass class objects instead of vanilla data (like Java POJO's), or XML or URL params for simple string / value pairs.  Strong typing for server communication... pimp!

3. allow better communication between you, the client developer, and the back-end developer on "what" you are sending eachother

4. pass the data in binary


So, myCFC.doStuff ( somePersonVO );.  If you are sending a "Person Class" to some method, then the back-end guy knows exactly what you are really sending him.  Same when he says to you, "Yeah, it'll return a list of PersonVO's."  That means, you'll get an array full of Person ValueObject class instances.  Finally, "usually", binary AMF communications is smaller than regular AJAX XML, WebService, and HTTP posts.


Dave Wolf from Cynergy systems will have contentions with that 4th point, mainly because his tests with WebServices seems to have renderered good results in 1.5.  Flash Player 9, however, has greatly improved upon AMF's size via AMF3 encoding, so it'd be good to hear if he has any new tests.


----- Original Message -----

Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 7:43 PM

Subject: [flexcoders] ColdFusion vs. PHP as the back-end


I started my quest to explore Flex rather recently; I never did much with v1.5, mostly because the cost involved to launch any commercial solution created with it. Now, with 2.0 it’s pretty exciting to see everything that is now, rather easily (and inexpensively!), possible to do.


But one thing I’m not quite clear on yet: what is the difference, or benefit from, between basic remoting as is possible with PHP/CF/ASP.NET, and the extended interaction with ColdFusion which makes it possible to “pass actual instances of Actionscript Classes and have them map directly into a CFC Instances – and vice versa” (a quote from Tim Buntel’s blog)?


Thanks for any insights!





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