<cffunction name="login" access="remote" returntype="boolean">
    <cfargument name="email" required="false"/>
    <cfargument name="password" required="false"/>
    <CFQUERY name="GetUser" datasource="#DSN#">
            SELECT tblSFUsers.UserID, tblSFUsers.User_Name, tblSFUsers.Password
            FROM tblSFUsers
            WHERE User_Name= <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.email#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
            AND Password = <cfqueryparam value="#Hash(arguments.password)#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
    <cfset ucomparison = Compare(arguments.email, getuser.user_name )/>
    <cfset pcomparison = Compare(Hash(arguments.password), getuser.password)/>   
    <CFIF GetUser.recordcount gt 0 AND ucomparison eq 0 AND pcomparison eq 0>
            <cfquery name="GetSessionSecurity" datasource="#DSN#">
                SELECT tblSFAccessLevels.LevelID, tblSFSecurity_Framework.levelid, tblSFSecurity_Framework.userid
                FROM tblSFAccessLevels INNER JOIN tblSFSecurity_Framework ON tblSFAccessLevels.LevelID = tblSFSecurity_Framework.levelid
                WHERE tblSFSecurity_Framework.userid = <cfqueryparam value="#getuser.userid#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer">
        <cfset userRole = #valuelist(GetSessionSecurity.levelid)#>
        <cfreturn true>
        <cfreturn false>

On 7/12/06, Shannon Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can we see the CFC?

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Nick Collins
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 9:18 AM
To: flexcoders
Subject: [Junk E-Mail - LOW] [flexcoders] My authentication help

I saw someone else posting about having custom authentication, but my issue is a  bit different. I have an authentication script done in CFMX7 that seems to be working on the coldfusion side. Essentially it checks to see if the user is valid, if yes, it looks up the role they are assigned and returns that role along with a boolean value of TRUE that they are a valid user. If they're not a valid user, it returns FALSE. Simple enough. However, my problem is in integrating it on the Flex2 side. If I have the CFMX script return nothing when the username or password is invalid, it "works" and doesn't let them in. However, if I actually have it return the value of FALSE, for some reason it still lets them in. Not good. :-)

Here's what I've got for my script, and as you can see, for the most part it's the same as what the CF Application Wizard generates.

            import mx.events.ValidationResultEvent ;
            import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
            import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
            import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
            import mx.controls.Alert;

            private var lso:SharedObject;
            private function initApp():void
                this.lso = SharedObject.getLocal("auth");

                if( this.lso.data['email'] != null )
                    this.email.text = this.lso.data['email'];
                    this.rememberLogin.selected = true;
                if( this.lso.data['password'] != null )
                    this.password.text = this.lso.data['password'];
                    this.rememberLogin.selected = true;
            private function isValid():Boolean
                var emailValidResult:ValidationResultEvent = this.emailValidate.validate(this.email.text);
                var pswdValidResult:ValidationResultEvent = this.pswdValidate.validate(this.password.text );
                if (emailValidResult.type==ValidationResultEvent.VALID
                        && pswdValidResult.type==ValidationResultEvent.VALID)
                    return true;   
                    return false;   
            private function authenticateUser():void
                if( isValid() )
                    authManager.login( this.email.text, this.password.text );  
            private function errorMessage(msg:String):void
                //Alert.show( ObjectUtil.toString(event.message) );
                this.errorMsg.text = msg;
                this.errorMsg.height = 15;
                this.errorMsg.visible = true;
            private function serverFault(event:FaultEvent):void
                errorMessage( event.message['message']);
            private function login_result(event:ResultEvent):void
                // login successful, remember the user.
                if( Boolean(event.result) )
                    if( this.rememberLogin.selected )
                        this.lso.data['email'] = this.email.text;
                        this.lso.data['password'] = this.password.text;   
                        this.lso.data['email'] = null;
                        this.lso.data['password'] = null;       
                    this.dispatchEvent( new Event('loginSuccessful') );
                    // login didn't work. show message
                    errorMessage("Login unsuccessful");   

In the login_result function it's checking the boolean result from the RemoteObject, yes? So how come when the remoting returns FALSE it still goes through? Any ideas?

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