There are several ways that Ruby and Flex can work together. However, so far, none of them offer the same degree of integration provided by FDS, if that is what you are seeking.

If you are intent on Rails and with a simple query/response model, google "Rails Flex 2" and you'll find some of the posted examples. If you want to dig into it a bit, Chad Fowler's new book on Rails offers a description of how to make any Rails application talk XML. If that suits your needs, an example of a real-life XML API can be found on Basecamp - a product of 37 Signals and one of the foremost examples of Rails used for commercial purposes. Here's a link to it:

I've not tried to integrate with it myself - but sending and receiving XML from Flex is fairly easy and well documented and should be relatively easy to use.


Kevin Mulvihill wrote:

Hi all,
What do you all recommend for backend server-side technology to work with Flex? I'm planning on some work with MySQL and not particularly interested in ..NET.
I know there's FDS but it's too pricey to own for small budget projects. Has anyone researched web hosts who offer FDS 2 on their servers and know what their hosting charges are for such access? Any recommendations would be great. I'm not seeing much through Google.
I'm thinking more along the lines of Ruby on Rails just because I've heard it's a very productive environment to work in. I confess I don't yet know too much about it though. Any comments on how this technology might work with Flex?
How does Cairngorm fit into the data access picture? Just a set of best practices or a full-on framework like Rails?
Any comments on these issues would be greatly appreciated! Thanks all!

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