Having the same issues as well... Bump!

On 7/26/06, Clint Modien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm noticing this behavior as well... (No. 2) but in PopUpButton.

Has this bug been filed?  Is there a workaround?

On 7/3/06, sinatosk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

thanks that worked ;)

ok thats the PopUpButton partially fixed... now for PopUpMenuButton

I'm gonna rephrase the PopUpMenuButton problem I mentioned above...

When I first open the menu... I'm accessing the root menu... When I hover over one of those items for the time then move my mouse over another item in root menu ( not sub menus ). The menu closes on it's own. If I redo all of this again but this time I go into sub menus and then hover over the parent or root menu of the sub menu I just entered into... the menu also closes on it's own.

There hope that is explained better :p

On 03/07/06, Benoit Hediard < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've also encountered this issue (event dispatched twice).
Here is a workaround :
private function itemClickHandler(event:MenuEvent):void {
    if (event.index != -1) { // Workaround to ignore the second event
Benoit Hediard

De : flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] De la part de sinatosk
Envoyé : dimanche 2 juillet 2006 21:41
À : flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Objet : [flexcoders] F2.0 final - Possbile bug with PopUpButton and PopUpMenuButton

4 days after the release I come to update my Flex Application from Beta 3 to Final and the 2 main components I used seem to be bugged. not very good at explaining things to bare with me please :p


    - Every time I select an item... the "itemClick" event gets dispatched twice. it just pops with with 2 Alert dialogs every time I select an item


    - When I put my mouse over an item for the first time.... works fine... but soon as I hover over another menu item in the main level... the menu closes automatically and also if I Hover over an item that is a sub menu.... I can keep going in and in until there are no more children... or I could just go in once... and then soon as I hover over another item... again the menu just closes. Both times this is without click on any items in the menu

I've posted the code below

Flex code being:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml " layout="absolute">

            import mx.controls.*;
            import mx.events.*;

            private var myMenu:Menu;
            private var i:uint = 0;

            // Initialize the Menu control, and specify it as the pop up object
            // of the PopUpButton control.
            private function initMenu():void {
                myMenu = new Menu();
                var dp:Object = [{label: "New Folder"}, {label: "Sent Items"}, {label: "Inbox"}];       
                myMenu.dataProvider = dp;
                myMenu.selectedIndex = 0;      
                myMenu.addEventListener("itemClick", itemClickHandler);
                popB.popUp = myMenu;
                popB.label = "Put in: " + myMenu.dataProvider[myMenu.selectedIndex].label;

            // Define the event listener for the Menu control's itemClick event.
            private function itemClickHandler(event:MenuEvent):void {
                var label:String = event.item.label;       
                popTypeB.text=String("Moved to " + label);
                popB.label = "Put in: " + label;
                popB.close ();
                myMenu.selectedIndex = event.index;
                Alert.show('menu popup number ' + ++i);


    <mx:Panel title="PopUpButton Control Example"
        paddingTop="10" paddingBottom="10" paddingRight="10" paddingLeft="10" x="10" y="10" height="187" width="411">

        <mx:Label width="100%" color="blue"
            text="Button label contains the name of the last selected menu item." />
        <mx:PopUpButton id="popB" label="Edit" creationComplete="initMenu();" width="135" />
        <mx:Spacer height="50" />
        <mx:TextInput id="popTypeB" />
            import mx.events.*;
            import mx.controls.*;
            //Event handler, invoked when you select from the menu.
            public function itemClickHandler2(event:MenuEvent):void {
                Alert.show("Menu label: " + event.label
                    + "  \n menu item index within parent menu: " + event.index);
    <!-- A an data provider in E4X format. -->
    <mx:XMLList id="treeDP2">
        <node label="Inbox">
            <node label="Personal">
                <node label="Family"/>
                <node label="Friends"/>
            <node label="Marketing"/>
            <node label="To Do"/>
        <node label="Calendar">
            <node label="Appointments" data="">            <node label="Meetings"/>
        <node label="Deleted Items"/>

    <mx:Panel title="PopUpMenuButton Control Example"
        paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" x="10" y="205" height="143" width="271">

        <mx:Label width="100%" color="blue"
            text="Click the down arrow to open the menu."/>

        <mx:PopUpMenuButton id="p2"


Flex code end;

Is it possible these are bugs? I've tested this with flash player ( with debug ) and ( without debug )


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