Hey Rick,

A couple of things jump out.
       // Add this import
       import mx.core.Application;

       // Make sure the path is correct
       import PleaseWaitWindow; // may need path

       import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
       import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject;
       import flash.display.DisplayObject;

       // Don't need to do this - just use import
       // Delete this line.
       public var searchingPopUpView:Class = PleaseWaitWindow;

       public var popUpWindow:IFlexDisplayObject;
       public var popUpParent:DisplayObject;

       // Because Popups are on a different display list branch
       // include your path of choice.
       popUpParent = Application.application.mainPanel;

// below - just use the imported class      
popUpWindow = PopUpManager.createPopUp(popUpParent,PleaseWaitWindow,true);

Can't test this without your data, so I hope that this gets you closer.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Rick Root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tim Hoff wrote:
> >
> >
> > If you want, go ahead and post what your code currently looks like,
> > and we'll get you fixed up. It's probably just a minor syntax issue.
> tim, you can view the code here... I won't paste it in because that
> kinda stuff never shows up well in mailing lists =)
> https://www.it.dev.duke.edu/temp/test.txt
> It's really a very simple app. When I put in the popup code, I get the
> following errors, both on the "popUpParent = mainPanel;" line:
> Severity Description Resource In Folder Location Creation Time Id
> 2 1120: Access of undefined property mainPanel. DukeMagSearch_ro.mxml
> DukeMagSearch_ro line 22 August 2, 2006 8:01:31 AM 148
> 2 1120: Access of undefined property popUpParent.
> DukeMagSearch_ro.mxml DukeMagSearch_ro line 22 August 2, 2006 8:01:31 AM 147
> If I comment out the lines relating the popup,everything works just fine.
> Rick


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