Hi I am trying to compile my mxml code with "mxmlc". While compiling i am getting the fallowing error. Can any give me the clue, what might be the problem here( I have setted <allow-url-override>true</allow-url-override> also). I am not getting the same error for all fi;es. Some small files are compiling for me.
D:\SVN\Code\myprojfit\web\WEB-INF\flex\bin>mxmlc -o d:\SVN\Code\myprojfit\web\headerInput.swf d:\SVN\Code\myprojfit\web\headerInput.mxml
No flexlib specified - assuming default of D:\SVN\Code\myprojfit\web\WEB-INF\flex\lib
08/07 17:34:12 WARNING License Service: The evaluation period for Flex has expired; switching to the Developer Edition
08/07 17:34:12 INFO License Service: Flex 1.5 Developer Edition enabledWarning: applications compiled into standalone SWFs using the Trial and Develope
r editions of Macromedia Flex expire 1 day after creation.  This restriction isonly in place for the Trial and Developer editions of Macromedia Flex.
Error: No gatewayUrl for RemoteObject specified.  You must set url to a value for RemoteObject in flex-config.xml, set allow-url-override to true for RemoteObje
ct in flex-config.xml, or specify gatewayUrl when using mxmlc.      (D:\SVN\Code\myprojfit\web\headerInput.mxml:58)
Error: No gatewayUrl for RemoteObject specified.  You must set url to a value for RemoteObject in flex-config.xml, set allow-url-override to true for RemoteObje
ct in flex-config.xml, or specify gatewayUrl when using mxmlc.      (D:\SVN\Code\myprojfit\web\headerInput.mxml:63)
Error: No gatewayUrl for RemoteObject specified.  You must set url to a value for RemoteObject in flex-config.xml, set allow-url-override to true for RemoteObje
ct in flex-config.xml, or specify gatewayUrl when using mxmlc.      (D:\SVN\Code\myprojfit\web\headerInput.mxml:64)
Error: No gatewayUrl for RemoteObject specified.  You must set url to a value for RemoteObject in flex-config.xml, set allow-url-override to true for RemoteObje
ct in flex-config.xml, or specify gatewayUrl when using mxmlc.      (D:\SVN\Code\myprojfit\web\headerInput.mxml:65)
Error: Don't know how to parse element "http://www.macromedia.com/2003/mxml:EmailValidator".  It is not a known type or a property of mx.core.Application.
Error: Don't know how to parse element "http://www.macromedia.com/2003/mxml:StringValidator".  It is not a known type or a property of mx.core.Application.
Error: Don't know how to parse element "http://www.macromedia.com/2003/mxml:Grid".  It is not a known type or a property of mx.core.Application.
Failed to compile headerInput.mxml

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