Hi Jim,

> Canvas.addChild(Sprite),

You cannot do this because "The DisplayObject to add as a child of this Container.  It must implement the IUIComponent interface."

Sprite does not implement IUIComponent. Basically all children of a container have to be a IUIComponent becasue of the way Flex lays them out.

Example, Sprite does not have a measuredWidth property. That would kill the Canvas's layout engine.

This release of AS3 is really misleading when it comes to things like this. Using;


as the param means it MUST be a DisplayObject. The 'catch' is that in as3 you can not change the type of a parameter in a subclass.

If you could the addChild() method of Container would look like


That is a misunderstanding I see a lot of people running into these days.

This part of Container inforces the IUIComponent interface rule;

        // Throw an RTE if child is not an IUIComponent.
        var uiChild:IUIComponent = IUIComponent(child);

You will get the runtime exception there.

Peace, Mike

On 8/11/06, dadrobson < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I stand corrected:

I wrote "extend" instead of "implement".

Thanks Mike!


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