Ok question about using the -use-network switch.

why do you have to use that to access local files. That just seems like a pain. why would you have to switch back and forth depending on you're build type. DEV sv LIVE. What if in some cases you're DEV version needs to access network for remoting or wsdls? Or services other vendor's provide..

Is this absolutely neccessary to use in order to access local file system?


On 8/13/06, Samuel Colak < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


there is a space in the filename " menu.xml" and i also think it might be in the resources directory - try "resources/menu.xml" - when you go and publish this you need to be aware that the relative path is from the root of the webserver - not the path of the flash file.

I have a nice utility library which does this and also loads jpgs etc in a queue fashion if you are interested.


On 13 Aug 2006, at 02:45, aaron smith wrote:

how do I load local XML?

I was doing this:

private function loadXML():void
            myXML = new XML();
            myXMLURL = new URLRequest(XML_URL);
            myLoader = new URLLoader(" menu.xml");
            myLoader.addEventListener("complete", xmlLoaded);
        private function xmlLoaded():void
            myXML = XML(myLoader.data);
            trace("Data loaded.");

but it spits out errors. Is there security issues?

here are the errors..

SWF filefile:///C|/Document s%20and%20Settings/aaronsh/Desktop/dev/flash/%5F% 20AS3%20TESTING/3waylayout/classes/Main. swf cannot access local resource file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/aaronsh/ Desktop/dev/flash/%5F%20AS3%20TESTING/3waylayout/ classes/menu.xml . Only local-with-filesyst em and trusted local SWF files may access local resources.

Do i need to do something different for local files? I would think it would be the same as how you load from a URL...



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