Not using ColdFusion I'm trying to retrieve login related data from the server through RemoteObject, and getting this fault error message
faultString:'[MessagingError message='Unknown destination 'mylogin'.']'
faultDetail:'Couldn't establish a connection to 'mylogin''
However the destination of 'mylogin' is defined in remoting-config.xml. I did a little testing without using Cairngorm and it works fine with following tag
 <mx:RemoteObject id="loginService" result="resultHandler(event)"
       <mx:method name="LoginService" results="resultHandler(event)">
Am I missing something? My program follows the typical Cairngorm flow as below:
1. Services.mxlm
 <mx:RemoteObject id="loginService"
       showBusyCursor="true"  >
2. LoginDelegate.as
 public class LoginDelegate
   private var responder : Responder;
   private var service : AbstractService;
   public function LoginDelegate( p_responder : Responder )
     this.service = ServiceLocator.getInstance().getService( "loginService" );
     this.responder = p_responder;
  public function login( p_loginVO : LoginVO ): void
    var call:AsyncToken = service.LoginService(p_loginVO);   
   call.resultHandler = responder.onResult;
   call.faultHandler = responder.onFault;
3. LoginEvent.as
 public class LoginEvent extends CairngormEvent
  public static const EVENT_LOGIN   : String = "login";
  public var loginVO : LoginVO;
  public function LoginEvent( p_loginVO : LoginVO )
   super( EVENT_LOGIN, false, true );
   this.loginVO = p_loginVO;
4. LoginCommand.as
    public function execute( p_event : CairngormEvent ) : void
       var delegate   : LoginDelegate = new LoginDelegate( this );  
       var loginEvent : LoginEvent = LoginEvent( p_event ); 
       delegate.login( loginEvent.loginVO );
    public function onResult( event : * = null ) : void     
    public function onFault( event : * = null ) : void  

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