I have not heard of this caching bug before, but I’ll follow up and see Flex Builder is doing any caching that might cause this. 


It is the case that when you compile your SWF, the compiler needs to have a pointer to your services-config.xml file.  It includes a subset of the destination configuration into the SWF.  You can see what it has included when you enable debug logging on the client (e.g. via: <mx:TraceTarget/>), or you can just trace it out via:


import mx.messaging.config.ServerConfig;






When I’ve seen this problem in the past, it was due to the fact that the compiler’s configuration did not include a pointer to the correct services-config.xml.




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Mark Piller
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 12:50 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Remote object help again..


Did you add your destination after your Flex Builder project was
created? We hear about this problem quite often. It appears Flex
Builder caches remoting-config.xml and does not fetch the file every
time you build the project. As a result, if a destination is added
after the project is created, it will not be recognized unless you do
one of the following:

- restart Flex Builder
- open project properties window, select the 'Flex Compiler' section
and click 'Apply'

It would be very helpful to get a confirmation from Adobe for this bug.


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED]ups.com, "Jeremy Rottman" <rottmanList@...>
> I am working on a simple application that uses remote objects to pass
> data to and from my db. But I keep running into the same problem.
> In my services-config.xml file, I have setup the destination ROTEST. It
> looks like this
> <destination id="ROTEST">
> <channels>
> <channel ref="my-cfamf"/>
> </channels>
> <properties>
> <source>beta.cfc.ROtest</source>
> <!-- define the resolution rules and access
level of
> the cfc being invoked -->
> <access>
> <!-- Use the ColdFusion mappings to find CFCs,
> by default only CFC files under your webroot can be found. -->
> <use-mappings>false</use-mappings>
> <!-- allow "public and remote" or just "remote"
> methods to be invoked -->
> <method-access-level>remote</method-access-level>
> </access>
> <property-case>
> <!-- cfc property names -->
> <!-- Query column names -->
> <force-query-lowercase>false</force-query-lowercase>
> <!-- struct keys -->
> <force-struct-lowercase>false</force-struct-lowercase>
> </property-case>
> </properties>
> </destination>
> I wrote this simple flex application to test my connectivity.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
> layout="absolute">
> <mx:Script>
> <![CDATA[
> import mx.controls.Alert;
> import mx.rpc.Fault;
> import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
> import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
> private function qryService_userSearch(lastName){
> qryService.userSearch(lastName)
> }
> private function qryService_userSearch_Result(event:ResultEvent):void{
> testDG.dataProvider = event.result;
> }
> private function qryService_userSearch_Fault(event:FaultEvent):void{
> errorText.text = event.fault.message;
> }
> ]]>
> </mx:Script>
> <mx:RemoteObject
> id="qryService"
> destination="ROTEST"
> result="qryService_userSearch_Result(event)"
> endpoint="http://beta.homesmartagent.com/flex2gateway/"
> showBusyCursor="true"
> fault="qryService_userSearch_Fault(event)"/>
> <mx:Canvas x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%">
> <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Name:"/>
> <mx:TextInput id="lastName" x="60" y="8"/>
> <mx:Button x="228" y="8"
> click="qryService_userSearch(lastName.text)" label="Button"/>
> <mx:DataGrid x="10" y="38" id="testDG" width="779" height="326">
> <mx:columns>
> <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 1"
> dataField="fld_agentFullName"/>
> <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 2" dataField="fld_agentId"/>
> <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 3" dataField="fld_agentEmail"/>
> </mx:columns>
> </mx:DataGrid>
> <mx:TextArea x="10" y="372" id="errorText" width="523"
> height="221"/>
> </mx:Canvas>
> </mx:Application>
> Everytime I test the application, I get this error.
> faultCode:Server.Processing faultString:'No destination 'ROTEST' exists
> in service flex.messaging.services.RemotingService' faultDetail:'null'
> I know my destination exists in my services-config.xml file, but for
> some reason it can not find it. I have set the channel correctly in my
> services-config.xml file as well.
> <channels>
> <channel-definition id="my-cfamf"
> class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">
> <endpoint
> class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/>
> <properties>
> <polling-enabled>false</polling-enabled>
> <serialization>
> <instantiate-types>false</instantiate-types>
> </serialization>
> </properties>
> </channel-definition>
> </channels>
> Can someone shed some light on this for me.


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