This should work.


Are you sure the data call is returning?  I don’t like binding directly to a result because it is hard to debug in cases like this.  I’d use a result handler and assign the result to a {Bindable}global variable, then bind to that.  That way you can trace ou the data to see what is happening.


Is it possible you are seeing the caching problem? Where the url has not changed so the data call uses the previously cached data?  This would look like the grid was not refreshing.


Finally, you can call tree.invalidateList() to force a redraw. That may be a bit less heavy handed than just re-assigning the dataProvider. But you should not need to do this.  You are using the Release version of Flex?  This was a bug in Beta3.



From: [] On Behalf Of Abdul Qabiz
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Refresh Tree from HTTPService


Not sure of List APIs. But I would surely trying setting dataProvider of Tree using ActionScript...

That should work IMO, but keep looking for a better way (an API to invalidate the list)..


On 8/27/06, qnotemedia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com> wrote:

I have an HTTPService that imports a multi-level xml file, and a tree
with dataprovider="{httpservice.lastResult}". How can I refresh the
tree when the XML data changes?

I've tried just rerunning httpservice.send() via a resulthandler or
a "refresh button" but neither seems to work. The changed data does
show correctly when I reload the app.

- Chris



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