OK, interesting stuff!
It's not clear from your description how a given user would choose the right application build for them.
I can see two possibilities.
1) A flex front end loads a menu (from a web service) offering a list of application builds to the user (I suppose this might change for different users, or even just be a single choice for each user?). The application UI specifics are then loaded into the flex app and the UI reconfigured.
2) A flex front end loads a menu (as before) but instead of reconfiguring the UI, executes a separate pre-compiled swf that implements the appropriate UI. The pre-compiled swf would have been created when the desktop app
generated the configuration info, it would then translate the generated configuration to mxml, invoke the compiler to generate the swf and add the swf reference to the list of apps offered to  the user.
Both these options would provide a fairly seamless experience for the user, with the only delays being experienced (not by the end user) when generating a new UI using the desktop app.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 1:08 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Architecture question

Thanks for the input Paul.

The desktop application is a tool to build dynamic models of systems and author an interface for others to interact with the model.  The interface consist of input objects, (sliders, knobs, input fields, etc), and outputs like graphs and table.  A dashboard or sorts to run the simulation.  If an author of such models wishes to share the model with others, currently they need to direct the user to download a "player" version of the software to interact with the model.

The application we want to build will allow the author to upload their work to a website where they can share the interface of their model with others.  An online "player", if you will, that will only require the end-user to have a web browser with the Flash Player installed.

That said, it's not unreasonable to have the author do the conversion from the desktop file format into a SWF in a conversion application.  I'm leaning toward this approach, because the final SWF would only need to interact with the web service to actually run the model, and record the end-users input decisions.

I hope this clarifies things.  I welcome others feedback on the pro/cons of this approach vs a dynamically created interface.


On 8/29/06, Paul Andrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 10:16 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Architecture question

Hi all,

I would like some feedback from the group collective about the approach I'm thinking about taking to implementing an application using Flex for the UI.

There is an existing desktop application and the goal of the new application is to be able to run the files created by the desktop app in a web browser.  We've already got the guts of the desktop app implemented as a web service -- now we need to add UI.

So here is the question: the files output by the desktop app have XML that marks up the interface, complete with x and y coordinates.  What would work best?

- To have a generic MXML file that uses ActionScript to parse the XML and create the components needed for the UI on the fly and lay them out according to the XML markup

- or-

- To create a conversion utility that creates an MXML file based on the desktop app's XML and then invoke the Flex compiler to output an SWF.  This approach would require me to redistribute the Flex SDK, which seems to be okay according to the license.

I'm leaning toward the latter option as it puts the burden of figuring out the layout of the UI and all that jazz on the conversion utility.  The resultant SWF would then just communicate with the web service and run the app.

What are your thoughts on this?
Well, I'm really curious as to what it is that needs a dynamic interface to be built like this.
My first thought was (as you suggest) to go with an xml transformation to mxml if the UI doesn't need to be rebuilt every single time, but I'm wary about what the user experience would be - there would be a delay in doing the transformation and then compiling then invoking a swf. There may be a better user experience by running a swf, then reading and interpreting the xml. In the second situation, there's no recompile and transformation overhead.
Essentially your application is reading an xml configuration file from the web service, then configuring itself.


isee systems, inc.
(603) 448-4990

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