You know more than I do at this point ;)

On 9/1/06, Daniel Wabyick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks John,

That definitely works, although I was curious how to do this using
non-Flex API calls. I figured out that part of my problem is that at
creationComplete(), the Application is not added to the display-list,
and thus you can't find out the root or stage. So, I changed the
example to applicationComplete, and at that point the stage, root, and
loaderInfo objects are defined and you can access them.

My next question - how do you find the base URL in a data class with no
reference to a DisplayObject? It seems like you need to get access to
the global display list, but I am unsure how to do that.

Working code to access the url and stage.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
layout="absolute" applicationComplete="{ showURL(); }">

import mx.controls.Alert;
private function showURL() : void
{ "url: " + this.loaderInfo.url + " stage: " +
this.stage );

John Grden wrote:
> application.url is what you're looking for
> Look at mx.core.Application properties
> hth,
> On 8/31/06, *Daniel Wabyick* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> I am trying to find the URL in which an application is running.
> Reading
> the documentation, I get the impression that I can use the "root"
> property off on any DisplayObject, and then get the loaderInfo
> from there.
> Unfortunately, the root property seems to be null. I must be doing
> something wrong. Can someone help?
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="
> <>"
> layout="absolute" creationComplete="{ showRoot(); }">
> <mx:Script>
> <![CDATA[
> import mx.controls.Alert;
> private function showRoot() : void
> {
> "root: " + this.root );
> }
> ]]>
> </mx:Script>
> </mx:Application>
> --
> [ JPG ]

[  JPG  ] __._,_.___

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