Two things to try...first:  Try typing your array collection by doing this in your ModelLocator:
public var modules:ArrayCollection;
Also, in your VO class, add this:
//assuming you have your VO named the same on the remote side...
 public class ModuleVO
Another thing is to make sure (ServiceCapture should work) that your CF Object is being passed typed as a ModuleVO
Hope that helps...


On 9/12/06, Pete Capra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi there,
I'm having a little trouble casting results from an RPC to a ValueObject. For example, I'm returning an array of objects from CF the object has two properties and I have created a VO class accordingly:
package {
    public dynamic class ModuleVO {
        public var module_id:Number;
        public var module_name:String;
When the result is returned I cast it as an array and insert it into an ArrayCollection for use in a datagrid (which works fine). I have two text inputs that I want to be binded to the selectedItem in the datagrid. This is where my problems occur:
<mx:DataGrid id="dgModules" dataProvider="{ModelLocator.getInstance().modules}"/>
<view:ModuleEditor module="{dgModules.selectedItem as ModuleVO}"/>
When the app runs it doesn't cast correctly as a ModuleVO and returns null values. I have checked the properties of the selectedItem in the DataGrid and it has both module_id and module_name but something goes awry in the casting process. I tried adding a constructor to the ModuleVO class that accepts an object:
package {
    public dynamic class ModuleVO {
        public var module_id:Number;
        public var module_name:String;
        public function ModuleVO(module:Object) {
            this.module_id = module.module_id
            this.module_name = module.module_name
and changing the Module Editor code to:
<mx:DataGrid id="dgModules" dataProvider="{ModelLocator.getInstance().modules}"/>
<view:ModuleEditor module="{new ModuleVO(dgModules.selectedItem)}"/>
and it works fine. This method seems like it requires unneccessary lines of code and makes adding further properties a pain in the neck. Can anyone shed any light on where I am going wrong?
Thanks in advance,

Pete Capra
Information Systems Coordinator
Capra Ryan Online Learning

p. (617) 3208 9455
m. 0411 043 305
f. (617) 3208 9855
a. PO Box 1744 Springwood Q 4127



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