
Here's how it should about work :
The frontcontroller makes a call for the command you've sent out (let's say
it's executed upon a user gesture), and will call the refresh action on the
specific service. When the service gets updated the servicedelegate can
handle the result, and put it in the model. Based on what it is, you need to
enable binding on that property you set in the model, and have views binded
to that.

Let's say you are getting an xml from the service. The service delegate sets
the resulting data set (let's say an arraycollection) on the model. With
databinding you can bind to that property in the model, and the update would
be handled.
Now for a simple app this is all ok, but let's say your appstate changes,
and your view should change state with that. Now that is something cairngorm
is kind of open about; it's pretty much up to you on how you handle those
kind of changes on the view.


On 11/23/06, mvbaffa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Hi All,

A have a new project that a I want to include the Model Locator.
I have already developed other projects in Flex using the Front
Controller, Commands and other patterns but I have not included the
Model Locator.

As far I could learn the Model Locator will store the state of the
Application, and, as stated, the state must be maintained at
the Client.

Well that's OK, but what about the changes occured in the Database
that needs to be refreshed. For instance, if I have a Datagrid that
list all my orders, and a new order has been included by another
user. How will this information be updated at the clients ????

I am not using Data Services, I am working with RPC, so I
need "manually" refresh my client. Is there a suggested procedure to
notify the clients that they must refresh their ArrayCollection,
stored at the Model Locator ????

How do you take care of this refresh ????

Thanks in advance.

Ralph Hauwert

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