Hi all,

I've some problem with IMenuItemRenderer, I can't get it position in
Menu, not index only X, Y coordinates. I've override it and get my
itemRenderer: MyMenuItemRenderer:

public class MyMenuItemRenderer extends UIComponent
             IDataRenderer, IListItemRenderer,
             IMyMenuItemRenderer, IDropInListItemRenderer
        public function set data(value:Object):void
               _data = value;
                dispatchEvent(new FlexEvent(FlexEvent.DATA_CHANGE));
                var _do : DisplayObject = DisplayObject(this);
                var pt : Point = _do.localToGlobal(new Point(x, y));

and as you can see, I'm trying to get it global position, but get only
a Point object with X=0, Y=0 :(

I need to do it, because I want to include in menu some effect: when
then the data is setting I want to move the renderer from last
renderer in menu to the current renderer - so I can get transition effect.
Or if you've any other suggestions please comment.

Dmitry Gorohov,
Flex Developer

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