
I'm trying to get my head around using Flex with ColdFusion, but I'm really
getting stuck with how Flex works with CF.

I'm trying to create a application which has several forms in which the user
enters, save and update user details, simple stuff really. I can create the
CF code (using DAO's, gateways and Beans. But linking the methods in my CF
to Flex is melting my brain. Every example I've seen says it easy, and then
uses tons of ActionScript, which I get lost in.

SO what's the basic steps in linking CF and Flex, are they:

  1. Create your CF code (DAO's, Bean's and Gateways)
  2. Create your flex layout
  3. Call the CF Gateway using <mx:RemoteObject>
  4. Then link the results of the methods to the layout (this is the bit
  I'm lost at, passing data back and forth to CF methods)

Any help will be great and stop me running down the road screaming.



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