- I have two tables - "Categoris" and a child table called "Items" as
        Categories -> Code, Description
        Items      -> Code, Description, Categories_id
- I hava a hibernate named query "all.items" that gets me all the ITEM
table records and corresponding "categories" in "myRecArray"

- A datagrid with the source as myRecArray has been created. For the
first column, I specified the dataField as "code" and it shows item
code correctly. 

Quetsion is, how do I specify categories.code as the dataField for
second column in the grid?

- If I check the data for myRecArray, I do see correct categories for
each item e.g. myRecArray[0].categories.code

- I tried specifying the dataFields as "categories.code" but this
doesn't show any data

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