I'm using bubbling, or at least i think i am to capture an event... I've 
extended the event class to make my own event mechanism.  the events are being 
dispatched, however the problem is, that 
I'm adding an event listener to my custom mxml component to receive the events 
and nothing happens.  I've probably got something backwards...   Doesn't 
bubbling set to true allow the event
to be captured by any component in the order that they are created?

my code is as follows:

  var evt:MeEvent = new MeEvent(MeEvent.REMOTE,true);


package com.me
    import flash.events.Event;

    public class MeEvent extends Event
        public static const REMOTE:String = "remote";
        public var realTarget:*;
        public function MeEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean=true, 
            super(type, bubbles, cancelable);

        And inside my custom component this is the event listener. 

        private function init():void{
        this.addEventListener(MeEvent.REMOTE, handleEvent);    

Thanks for your time,

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