You may new a linechart firstly. 
var lineChart:LineChart = new LineChart();
set the properties here;

--- In, arpan srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hi ,
>     I need to draw a linechart using only actionscript. I have done 
>         private var cat:CategoryAxis;
>         private var lineS:LineSeries;
>                 this.dataProvider = _myDataProvider;
>                 cat = new CategoryAxis();
>                 cat.categoryField = "interval";
>                 cat.dataProvider = chartDataProvider;
>                 this.horizontalAxis = cat;
>                     lineS  = new LineSeries();
>                 lineS.yField = "data";
>                  lineS.dataProvider = _myDataProvider;
>                 this.series = new Array(lineS);            
>                 this.height=400;
>                 this.width=400;
>                 this.showDataTips=true;
> Now where should I write this code. I have written it in initllize
() function, but it is not working. My class is extending LineChart

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