
This issue could only peeve you if it was actually an issue.

The Button does not have a border. Thus, the border API does not apply to a

This is the reason they say upSkin, it's a skin.

You could easily copy and paste the ButtonSkin class and put another style
in the says borderEnabled. In the skin rendering method, call that style and
put the drawing api section that contains the 'border' in an if statement.

This way you just set ONE style and vola, no border!

Peace, Mike

On 11/29/06, ben.clinkinbeard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Yes, I meant the button's border. The default button is a gradient
background with a border around it. I just wanted a gradient. No border.

What I ended up doing was to create a PNG that had a gradient using
the colors I wanted, created a Button subclass (in MXML) called
GreenButton, set styleName to "greenButton", and then defined
greenButton inside a <Style> tag. In the greenButton style I set the
upSkin property to use my PNG and provided 9-slice values and also set
the text color. This approach allows me to reuse GreenButton and set
the label and width (among other things) inline. The drawbacks,
however, are that I will need to create separate images for downSkin,
disabledSkin, etc. for each and every custom button I need, like
RedButton, etc.

So all in all it is a fairly simple and tolerable workaround, it just
peeves me that I can't say borderStyle: none. In my opinion, if a
component has a border you should be able to turn it off. Its just an
if statement.


--- In <>, "Andrew
> That's how I interpreted it: that he is actually talking about the
> button's border. Ben, is that what you were talking about? If so, the
> skin method is the way to go.
> -Andy
> _____________________________________
> Andrew Trice
> Cynergy Systems, Inc.
> Blog:
> Office: 866-CYNERGY
> ________________________________
> From: <> [mailto: <>] On
> Behalf Of Michael Schmalle
> Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 11:50 AM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous
> Oh yeah...
> If he is talking about the actual button border, that is the skin and he
> needs to create a new skin. The button does not have borders, it has
> skins. It dosn't even share the same characteristics of a Container that
> has a border. These are not the same things.
> So, Ben, what do you mean when you say the Button's border? Or, what do
> you want...
> Peace, Mike
> On 11/29/06, Michael Schmalle < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote:
> Andy,
> It answers his question and it does work.
> If the label is present, you click on the label and the Button functions
> correctly.
> I don't know what he is aiming for here but, if you 'don't' have a
> border, there is no other hit area specified for the component. So, how
> are you going to get mouse events from a component that dosn't have a
> hit area?
> Bottom line is, this approach does work if you plan to use a label,
> other than this, why would you want a button without a label and border
> if you want to click on it?
> Peace, Mike
> On 11/29/06, Andrew Trice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote:
> I'm not sure that approach really works... The buttons don't show up at
> all.
> -Andy
> _____________________________________
> Andrew Trice
> Cynergy Systems, Inc.
> <>
> Blog:
> <>
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Office: 866-CYNERGY
> ________________________________
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <> ] On Behalf Of
> Michael Schmalle
> Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 11:05 AM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Styling in Flex is officially ridiculous
> Well,
> Before your loose it...
> try
> myButton.setStyle("upSkin", null);
> OR
> Button {
> upSkin:ClassReference("null");
> }
> OR
> <mx:Button upSkin="{null}"/>
> Peace, Mike
> On 11/29/06, ben.clinkinbeard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote:
> OK. I am usually very hesitant to criticize Adobe because of the
> immense respect I have for their employees and the amazing technology
> they create. I have built my career around their products. That being
> said, the styling capabilities in Flex are downright silly. I have
> suffered silently through some small, yet extremely annoying
> "nuances", but this one takes the cake: You can't style a Button to
> not have a border!!!
> Developer: "Hey button, go ahead and skip your border drawing routine."
> Button: "Eff that! I love my borders and I ain't getting rid of them
> for anyone!"
> WTF. I can understand not supporting some styling features people
> would like, but not supporting one that is just turning something off?
> What gives? I realize I could probably subclass Button and override
> the drawing but that is uber-overkill for something that should be a
> simple attribute.
> If someone from Adobe can offer a valid reason for why this isn't
> supported I would love to hear it. I would also be very interested to
> know if styling is an area that is being focused on for significant
> upgrades in future versions.
> Thanks,
> Ben
> --
> Teoti Graphix
> <>
> Blog - Flex2Components
> <>
> You can find more by solving the problem then by 'asking the question'.
> --
> Teoti Graphix
> <>
> Blog - Flex2Components
> <>
> You can find more by solving the problem then by 'asking the question'.
> --
> Teoti Graphix
> <>
> Blog - Flex2Components
> <>
> You can find more by solving the problem then by 'asking the question'.

Teoti Graphix

Blog - Flex2Components

You can find more by solving the problem then by 'asking the question'.

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