
the the values are already encoded for amfphp remoting, sending the 
strings directly back from
php makes them say [UTF String] with no value.  so I encode them in the 
html safe way and it works...

Is there a string function to change htmlText to normal text and vica 
versa, i guess i need to fish on this one.
At least I know that I can just type them temporarily.   By the way, do 
you do any work with remoting and spanish
text with amfphp?

We have our stuff that has translation tables for spanish, so all of the 
data, button labels are loaded at run time
for whichever language we are going to display.


At least i can type them as strings in the mean time.


Igor Costa wrote:
> Patrick just type the text and it works, remember that in the MXML you 
> have the utf-8 in the definition of xml
> It's the same happens for us brazilians that has a lot of special 
> characters.
> regards
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     I know how to render spanish language characters in htmlText but how
>     do I put them into button labels? What's the best practice for
>     this... these are the kind of utf-codes my Remoting methods are
>     returning: &#191;
>     Thanks,
>     Patrick
> -- 
> ----------------------------
> Igor Costa
> www.igorcosta.com <http://www.igorcosta.com>

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