I have a similar problem. 

I can upload a particular file just fine on my local dev environment,
but same code running on the production server, with the same file,
and I get this I/O Error (not a security/domain error).

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "kristian_wright2002"
> I've seen a few posts on this error but none of them seem to solve my
> issue.
> I'm trying to upload some files via a FileReference object, with a CF
> backend.  The CFC works fine with smaller files (eg under 300k), but
> with files over this size, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
> When it doesn't work, I get the following I/O Error:
> IOErrorEvent 
> type="ioError" 
> bubbles=false 
> cancelable=false 
> eventPhase=2 
> text="Error #2038: File I/O Error. 
> URL: my URL
> The server side script is working, as I can try and upload a smaller
> file, and it works.  But when I'm getting the I/O error, the app stops
> before it even reaches the CFC.  I've set a Progress listener to the
> FileUpload object, and it seems to just slow down and eventually stop,
> throwing the I/O error before file upload has reacherd the total bytes
> of the file.
> Does anyone know what might be going on here?
> Thanks,
> K.

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