Hoping  someone out there will be able to help me with this.

The VideoDisplay component uses a VideoPlayer object, which doesn't
seem to exist in Actionscript 3. How can it be used in the
VideoDisplay component, and how can I use it? I am writing an app and
want to have the ability to play a flv frame by fram, or jsut to a
frame and know the current frame. All of this funtionality is provided
by the VideoPlayer object, but can't be used in Actionscript 3.

When I finally figured out that the calss didn't actually exist
anymore, I started looking for something else and came across the
MovieClip object which provides all the same functionality. Problem is
I can't find anyway to load an flv, I tried using Netstream and such,
adding to a Video object and trying to add that to the MovieClip but
can't seem to make it work. Any Suggestions?

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