Hi John,

Sorry if I missed the point but I'm not entirely clear on what you're trying to do here. Do you want to unmarshal your XML into an object graph of custom classes? I don't understand how the multiple renderers comes into it. What is the XML describing? Is it a result set or something less regular?

With regard to point 2, I think anything can be a dataProvider if it implements one of the accepted interfaces. IList, ICollectionView etc.


On 04/12/2006, at 11:57 AM, John Mazzocchi wrote:

Hi, I need a hand here ...

I have an app which reads an XML file, shoves everything into an XMLListCollection and then renders the collection to a one-column datagrid. Each row of the datagrid uses a (state-based) customItemRenderer [don't get me started on the problems I've had with ViewStack-based approach].

Anyway, it seems to work fairly well ... but I've now been asked to take a slightly different approach. The XML needs to be shoved into an Object Model (a custom DOM), so that the same data can have multiple renderers/converters created in the future (not just "renderToScreen")... renderToPDF, renderToCSV, etc. Now there are notes in the PDF docs on creating a Class-based model ... I figure I'm gonna create an array of Objects, each one typed as they need to be, you know Bool, Text, Graphics, customSetOfAttribs, whatever ... custom addItem and removeItem functions which use templates for each Object type.

1. Any comments on my methodology?

2. How do I assign an ActionScript class as a dataprovider (for a datagrid)?



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