The way you constructed your array might come out like this, but not
sure, looks a little crazy…


Nested Arrays return into Flex as objects.  I haven’t tried nesting
an array as complicated as this, I guess it’s doable – but it
might be better to reorganize your array structure .  I think it will
be easier to read than a big old nested array constructor than in php
if you use the following example, and this is how I do it.

$my_array = array();
$my_array[0]['days'] =$some array
$my_array[0]['starts'] =$some_other_array
Return $my_array;

//in flex your result arrays work like this...

Var someArray:Array  = myResultObject[0].days
Var someOtherArray:Array  = myResultObject[0].starts

Then you can get your values and organize your arrays which ever way
you like.

Hope this Helps

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of carkraus
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 11:19 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] AMFPHP / databinding nested arrays

Hi there,

I guess this is a typical newbie question,  maybe someone could
kindly direct me to a tutorial or sample:

I try to bind e.g. using a charts control to a nested array I receive
from an AMFPHP service.
On the php side I have as an example:
$outputArr[] = array('day' => 'Mon', array('start' => '100', 'end' =>
$outputArr[] = array('day' => 'Tue', array('start' => '250', 'end' =>
$outputArr[] = array('day' => 'Wed', array('start' => '500', 'end' =>
return $outputArr;
..which will deliver the data correctly as I can see from the flex

In flex I have eg.:
    <mx:ColumnSeries xField="day" yField="???" />
Now, how do I access e.g. the value 'start' to use it for
databinding? Well, 'day.start' does not do the trick : )

I had similar probs using XML for binding, where I wouldnt be able to
access sub-children?
Do I have to somehow wrap the server response into an actionscript
object which I'd have to manually add properties to?

Any hint greatly appreciated!!


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