Well I am not sure I understand your meaning sorry. 

When the selectedObject instance on the model has a date member
variable that is blank, the field starts blank, but once the the field
changes, but not the instance, that text never leaves the date field.
It does it however when I use text or label boxes that have null
string member variables. So I dont understand why the date field is
working so differently. 


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Steve Hindle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just a guess here - I just use vanilla Flex....
> Sounds like the field is not being assigned.  Since the field starts
out as
> blank in your model,
> and your selecting another model with a blank field - perhaps Flex is
> 'short-circuiting' the
> assignment.
> I've noticed that for an assignment like "foo = bar", Flex always
seems to
> call the getter for foo,
> _before_ calling the setter.  I can only surmise this it to allow it to
> short circuit the assignment
> if foo = bar already.
> So in your case, blank == blank, and no assignment is done, hence no
> fires ?
> On 12/6/06, jsscardinal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >   I am attempting to do something I thought was pretty simple.
Using the
> > cairngorm model, basically I have a data instance object attached to
> > the model, and it has a Data Object attached to it.
> >
> > So think of it this way. I am running an application that tracks a
> > list of canidates. So there is a CanidateVO actionscript object, and
> > it has a member variable attached to it called interview date, and its
> > of type Date.
> >
> > I am running a java backend retrieving these using spring and
> > hybernate, and the conversion works fine.
> >
> > The problem I am having is with data binding in a grid and details
> > panel. The grid has an array collection which is attached to the
> > model, and that array contains a list of all the canidates, some that
> > have dates and some that dont. All have member variables, but since
> > all instances have not interviewed they may not have a value in the
> > date field, thus those member vars are null.
> >
> > So the problem is that when I have a particular grid object selected,
> > I see the details of that canidate in the details panel, which is just
> > a panel that contains text fields and a dateField component. Well all
> > the other bindings are working fine, but not the dateField binding.
> >
> > I have set the dateFields text bound to the attribute of the object,
> > and that does not work, and I have set the dataProvider and that does
> > not work, and I have even set a data attribute on the dateField and
> > that does not work.
> >
> > Whats happening is, when I am looking at a particular canidate without
> > an interview date, and I select the dateField, then put a date in it
> > and DONT save the record but go to a different instance on the grid,
> > all the fields are updated except the dateField. The dateField text
> > remains there regardless of the fact that the selectedItem has
> > changed, and the new selectedItem has no date in it.
> >
> > Conversly if I select a canidate who does have a date, the date is
> > displayed, but once I go to one without a date, the date stays in the
> > field. Why is data binding not working for dates?
> >
> > Please help.
> >
> > Jeremy.
> >
> >  
> >

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