I am trying to make a canvas (with rounded corners) clip the content
inside of itself. It flat doesn't work. The clipping occurs, but the
rounded corners are not taken into account, so the content inside is
clipped to the square canvas. I have source below. Copy and paste that
into the Flex Online Compiler <http://try.flex.org/index.cfm>   (link:
http://try.flex.org/index.cfm ) between the application tags to see what
I am talking about.

Is this a described behaviour? You will notice that I also put
clipContent="true" on the canvas in hopes that would actually help.

Is there another way to produce the behaviour I'm looking for?

<mx:HBox width="100%" height="100%" horizontalAlign="center"
     <mx:Canvas cornerRadius="25" clipContent="true"
         backgroundColor="#0000FF" borderStyle="solid" width="150"
height="200" horizontalScrollPolicy="off">
         <mx:HBox backgroundColor="#FF0000" >
             <mx:Label text="This is text long enough to get clipped"/>

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