I've also had similar issues with the focus rectangle. One that springs to mind is that a focus rectangle on a scroll thumb will sometimes stay put even when the thumb is dragged somewhere else in the scroll bar.

Also this morning, a colleague is having an issue with a focus rect that hangs around even when the text field it is focusing is removed from view (during a state change).

On 11/12/2006, at 2:53 PM, jmcwilliams2003 wrote:

If I have two movieclips on the stage A and B.

I select MC A and change the rotation value using a scroller.

If I then select MC B, the focus rectangle around MC B has the same
rotation value as MC A, except the MC itself is not rotated at all.

This is very odd behavior and looks weird on the screen. Everything
actually works, but the MC B focus rectangle is rotated and in the
wrong place.

Its as if I select an object with rotation, the focus rectangle is
correct. But, if I then immediately select any object without
rotation, the blue box rectangle still has the rotation (not the mc
itself). Its almost as if the focus rotation is not being reset properly?

This even happens when I select a combo or text box. Pretty much
anything that can have focus.

Has anyone else seen this behavior? Is there a way to work around it?


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