1) The app to build : will be java based  that would communicate with web 
services to
    fetch and store data to back-end. Since the app will also include some rich 
components like Grid, I evaluated FLEX.
   So, I was looking if it is possible to replace the jsp  presentation layer 
completely with Flex.
   What are the pros and cons of using  FLEX as the application layer for a web 
   if I'm using only couple of flex components, Is it a good practice to 
include the flex component in the jsp page ?
2) I am not clear on the logging answer. We intend to use Log4j for 
asynchronous logging to websphere queue.
   Struts action classes does this seamlessly.
   Does Flex support log4j?


        From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Dimitrios Gianninas
        Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 4:29 PM
        To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
        Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Flex vs. JSP

        1) Its really like comparing apples and oranges. Anything you can do in 
JSP(using struts) you can do in Flex and more. Perhaps you want to explain 
briefly what kind of app you want to build?
        2) There are two levels of logging. On the server side you can tell 
Flex to log all incoming/outgoing communication for debugging purposes. On the 
client side, using the Flash debug player you can turn on debugging and it will 
log to local file.
        Dimitrios Gianninas
        RIA Developer
        Optimal Payments Inc.


        From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Saheta, Jyoti
        Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 3:26 PM
        To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
        Subject: [flexcoders] Flex vs. JSP

        Hi Folks, 

        1. Where can I find a true functional comparison list for flex and jsp? 
        I'm trying to evaluate if Flex framework by itself can replace 
JSP(/struts)  presentation layer(for a java/websphere  based project).

        2. How can I perform logging in a flex app? Can I use log4j? If yes, 
how? Any example/article would help. 





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