Already deployed our first Flex 2 app and it is external facing back in 
October. With the express install anyone who doesn't have FP9 will get upgraded 
very easily, so no worries there for us at all.
Dimitrios Gianninas
RIA Developer
Optimal Payments Inc.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of greg h
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] why shouldnt I use flex 2?


What is your audience and when will you be deploying?

I ask because Flex 2 has no capability to publish to Flash Player (FP) versions 
earlier than FP9.  As of the latest FP penetration stats (Sept '06), FP9 is 
only at around 36% (of the known universe).  

See following link for FP product manager's comments and link to latest survey: 

This is a non-issue if the users of your Flex app are internal workgroups where 
you can dictate software requirements, or having users upgrade to FP9 is not a 
show stopper.

If this is an issue, then timing of deployment can save the day.  Adoption 
rates are a moving target.  By this time next year adoption likely will be over 

Regarding Webdevotion's comment about "Too much free time" that is not likely 
to happen for either of two reasons.  1) So many cool things you will be able 
to do, you will be living and breathing Flex all the time; 2) The boss man will 
be so happy that you are getting so much work done, he is going to pile on more 
than you can ever get done  ;-)




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