Probably you need to use a bunch of loader objects to pre-load the images. You might approach it something like this:

1. start with your collection of filenames
2. enumerate over them, creating a loader object for each
3. add an event listener to each loader so you know when it is done
4. when you get notification that an image is loaded, increment some tally 5. when the tally equals the length of your original collection, you are good to go

Someone else may be able to elucidate the finer points of using loaders and how to then use the loaded content in other controls.


On 16/12/2006, at 11:30 PM, KP wrote:

Thanks Lach for your reply.

If you remember once you have replied for slideshow component creating it quickly.

Well in that you were putting the urls of images in the array collection.and then you were changing the source of images with the help of timer control.

I want to dynamically load all the images directly in the array collection and then directly use get item method to show in the slide show.

Can this be done.


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