Hi Collin,

Is your data always a flat list of string values? or does it have 'depth'? Because if so, you might need to change how you examine your data.


On 17/12/2006, at 6:13 AM, Collin Peters wrote:

By merge I mean that this XML
  <node id=1>value1</node>
  <node id=2>value2</node>

and this XML:
  <node id=2>value2</node>
  <node id=3>value3</node>

would become this XML:
  <node id=1>value1</node>
  <node id=2>value2</node>
  <node id=3>value3</node>

I am current doing this which seems to work well. I don't think there will be anything more efficient

for each ( var x:XML in _xml.key ) {

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