Hi Yioit,

I believe AMFPHP was originally created to work with remoting in Flash (not Flex). The XML handling abilities of Flash are not in the same league as Flex, so XML was a huge pain. AMFPHP definitely makes a big difference for Flash Development.

Since Flex is so much better with XML, the benefits may not be so obvious depending on the specifics of your project.

I agree with you that there can be a lot of overhead in creating client-server interfaces and working out the best way to serialise data for transfer etc. As for your comment about having to write classes in both PHP and ActionScript: I don't see that there is any escaping this. Unless your application is trivially simple, then you will surely want to create domain model objects on the server to encapsulate logic and the database access. Same goes for the Flex side.

As for the most development time efficient method for architecting the service interface, I'm still trying to figure that out. There are several options for both XML and AMF in PHP and also in other languages. WebORB for Ruby on Rails is another alternative that can potentially save time once you get over the Rails learning curve and learn how to install everything properly (which is a significant investment).

You are correct that AMF serialised data is quicker to transfer and marshal than the equivalent XML, but this probably only becomes an issue when your dealing with quite large result sets.

With regard to your generalised database query over HTTP class: I'm all for this type of time saving solution, but I think you need to address a couple of issues to make it more widely useful. Namely, the security concern of having a service that allows clients to effectively design their own SQL queries to be executed on your server, and secondly the fact that this approach seems to bypass the server side domain logic.


On 18/12/2006, at 6:44 PM, Yiðit Boyar wrote:

i've been developing web RIA's using PHP&mysql support for data for about 3-4 months. writing diffrent php files for every fetch type was sucking so i've starting developing a new class communicating with my own php file to fetch data. my class is so pre now but you may find some info about it athttp://yboyar.blogspot.com/2006/12/ easyreq-http-service-class-which-makes.html . anyway; my question is sth diffrent. also i read a lot about AMFPHP , i still could not understand where it helps me reduce time to build applications since i write every class in php & actionscript. i've downloaded AMFPHP but although i did the database setup , it still gives error. So, please can someone clearly explain me how AMFPHP helps time reduction WHILE developing the application ? (or does it ?) as much as i understood, it help reducing transferred data size in the running time. Am I right in this point ?

thanks a lot, by the way; what do you think about the tool i develop; does it seem helpful or useless ?

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