Thanks Angus.

I checked my code and I am not setting width/height on the SWFLoader 
before setting percentHeight and percentWidth.  However despite 
setting them both to 100% on the SWFLoaders, the loaders on all tabs 
apart from the first one end up with width=0 and height=0 once loaded.

Can anyone from Adobe confirm if this is a known problem?



--- In, "Angus Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hi Nick,
> I don't if this will help you but one thing that I found with 
loaded swf's
> is that if you explicitly set height and width on the loader and 
> attempt to apply percentWidth or percentHeight it will fail to 
> If i set height=100, width=100 then percentWidth=50 and 
percentHeight=50 I
> end up with height=0 and width=100... if you follow that :). 
Something a bit
> odd there I think but I don't fully understand how things are sized.
> So maybe your tabNavigator is applying percent measurements to a 
> where you have explicit width / height???
> You should be able to see these properties in debug.
> hth
> Angus
> On 15/12/06, durnelln <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >   Hi all,
> >
> > I've been lurking on this list for a few weeks but I've now run 
> > a problem and need some help myself...
> >
> > My application's main screen consists of a number of windows, 
each of
> > which is a Flex application in its own right. The layout of the 
> > screen is configurable from an external file which I parse at 
> > and create the corresponding controls/sub-applications using
> > Actionscript. Each sub-applications is loaded in a SWFLoaders 
> > has been sized appropriately and added to the configured 
> > Once the screen is built I then tell all the SWFLoaders to load 
> > content.
> >
> > This has all been working fine until now. What I want to do is 
> > a TabNavigator on the main screen with several tabs - each tab
> > containing a sub-application so that the user can flip between 
> > What I am doing is creating a SWFLoader on each tab (within a 
> > and setting their widths and heights to 100% (to fill the tab
> > whatever its size may be).
> >
> > The sub-application on the first tab (i.e. the one visible at
> > startup) is fine - it fills the tab as planned. However, the sub-
> > applications on the subsequent tabs do not appear - UNLESS their
> > widths and heights are set explicitly (e.g. width="200"
> > height="100"). However this breaks my ability to change the size 
> > the tabs and still have the contents fill them. Nothing changes 
if I
> > set the TabNavigator or canvas creationPolicy to "all" either.
> >
> > Any ideas anyone? Is this a bug?
> >
> > I cannot post my entire application as it is getting pretty 
huge :-)
> > However I have created an example application which shows a 
> > problem:
> >
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> > <mx:Application xmlns:mx="";
> > layout="absolute" applicationComplete="doStuff()">
> > <mx:Script>
> > <![CDATA[
> > public function doStuff():void
> > {
> > loader1.load();
> > loader2.load();
> > loader3.load();
> > }
> > ]]>
> > </mx:Script>
> >
> > <mx:TabNavigator creationPolicy="all" x="10" y="10"
> > width="500" height="400">
> > <mx:Canvas label="Tab 1: 100%" width="100%"
> > height="100%">
> > <mx:SWFLoader id="loader1" autoLoad="false"
> > width="100%" height="100%" source="BlueBox.swf"/>
> > </mx:Canvas>
> > <mx:Canvas label="Tab 2: explicit size" width="100%"
> > height="100%">
> > <mx:SWFLoader id="loader2" autoLoad="false"
> > width="200" height="200" source="BlueBox.swf"/>
> > </mx:Canvas>
> > <mx:Canvas label="Tab 3: 100% (same as tab 1)"
> > width="100%" height="100%">
> > <mx:SWFLoader id="loader3" autoLoad="false"
> > width="100%" height="100%" source="BlueBox.swf"/>
> > </mx:Canvas>
> > </mx:TabNavigator>
> >
> > </mx:Application>
> >
> > This application creates a TabNavigator with 3 tabs - all of which
> > contain a SWFLoader which loads BlueBox.swf. BlueBox.swf is simply
> > an empty application with a blue border and background so I can 
> > how large it is once loaded (see below).
> >
> > Tabs 1 and 3 are identical - i.e. they both contain a SWFLoader 
> > to 100%. However the one on tab 3 does not get sized/loaded
> > properly. The SWFLoader on tab 2 is very similar but its SWFLoader
> > uses explicit widths and heights (which seem to work).
> >
> > Here is my BlueBox.swf:
> >
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> > <mx:Application xmlns:mx="";
> > layout="absolute" backgroundGradientColors="[#9999ff, #9999ff]"
> > borderColor="#0000ff" borderStyle="solid" borderThickness="2">
> > </mx:Application>
> >
> > Thanks for your help (if you've managed to stay awake through all
> > that!)
> >
> > Nick.
> >
> >  
> >

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