It does rely on the Flex framework, true, although I believe this is
related to FDS/RemoteObject support. Keep this in mind, though: The
source code for Cairngorm is freely available, and there really isn't
that much to it. You may even be able to do it without altering any of
the Cairngorm source itself, by subclassing.

But don't take my guesswork for it. Somebody in the
cairngorm-documentation group posted a link to a port of Cairngorm to
Flash (no version info; target site is in Portuguese but just click on
"aqui"). I have no idea what state this is in (not being, you may be
suprised to learn, remotely fluent in Portuguese), or how it was
accomplished (elegant, ugly, in between), but apparently it can be done:


--- In, "hank williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I dont think you can use Cairngorm without flex.
> I dont know the source code, but it seems to rely on elements of the
> framework in order to work. This would mean using at minimum the
core flex
> library which I think is about 100+ k without doing much of anything.
> So the issue is whether you could put up with that kind of overhead
in your
> project.
> Regards
> Hank
> On 12/18/06, Webdevotion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > That's correct Hank, AS 3 only projects.
> > 
> >

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