Hello all, Has anyone out there tried using radio items in the PopUpMenuButton's menu? There seems to be some bug where the radio icons intermittently disappear on the menu when you select a new option, and this only happens when the radio selections are in the main (root) menu and not a sub-menu. For instance, try using the following ArrayCollection as a dataprovider for a PopUpMenuButton, then selecting one of the menu items. The little bullet icon will disappear on selection, yet the "toggled" attribute will be set correctly in the data provider's data after selection? Any ideas?
var dp:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([ {label:"Test Item 1", data:"test1", type:"radio", groupName:"test", toggled:true}, {label:"Test Item 2", data:"test2", type:"radio", groupName:"test"} ]); Cheers, Sean