Hi Jeremy,

Let me see if I understand you correctly: you want to have a horizontal menu bar where each item will drop down a list of checkbox controls when selected?


On 20/12/2006, at 10:37 AM, Jeremy Rottman wrote:

I'm having trouble thinking of a way to accomplish the next step in my application. Basically what we have right now is a menu bar that is created from a mysql query. That part I have working fine. The next part that I'm working on is a permission based system that say an admin were to login and go to the menu bar admin screen and be able to select which items of the menu a group has the ability to see. Now the easiest way I can think of laying this out for the admin would be to just recreate the same menu with the same queries but with checkboxes next to each menu item(including the top level item that when clicked selects all children). Basically imitating the TreeCheckBox component I have seen but in menu bar form. However I have not been able to find any examples or even any talk about something like this before. The reason I don't want to use the TreeCheckBox is because the tree would be very long and cause a lot of scrolling with this many sub items so really the best bet is to have something horizontal that I already know fits the screen. Does anyone have any ideas of other components or other ways that this task could be accomplished? Any help or opinions would be much appreciated.

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