Sorry guys,

just found the source property on ArrayCollection, sorted.


On 21/12/2006, at 1:48 PM, Bjorn Schultheiss wrote:

Hey, I'm looking for an elegant solution here :)

i've got a TypedArray class which extends Array and i have the property on my model typed as an ArrayCollection to make it and it's contents bindable. I guess the elegant solution here would be to have something like this,

public function set assets( val:Array ):void
        var typedArray:TypedArray = new TypedArray(com.myco.vo.AssetVO, val);
        _assets = new ArrayCollection( typedArray );
public function get assets():ArrayCollection
        return _assets;
private var _assets:ArrayCollection

Although obviously i'm not allowed to have my setter param typed to Array.
Any elegant solutions?
btw ( my current solution is a seperate set method )

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