Merry Christmas all!

I am wondering how heavyweight databinding is.  What I have is a class
which handles all the I18N in my application.  It is a simple class
which loads an XML containing all the I18N strings and then provides a
getKey() function to grab strings out.

What I have discovered is that I can directly bind labels and such in
MXML directly to the XML i18n string.  I am wondering though if this
is a smart idea.  The completed app could have a thousand or more i18n
strings.  Would it unnecessarily stress the application to have each
one of these thousand strings setup with data binding?

I'm wondering about increased memory and CPU usage.  Not much is
gained from the binding except slightly less code and I guess the
possibility of changing all strings in the application to another
language by simply loading another XML file.  But again, I wonder how
fast this would be.

Collin Peters
Lead Software Developer

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