Hi All,

I wonder if someone might be able to shed some light on an issue I'm  
having with item renderers. The trouble stems from the whole  
recycling thing that the list components do.

Basically, my custom renderers have two states: one for viewing and  
one for editing the data object. I double click the renderer to put  
it into edit mode.

The trouble is that if I then scroll the list component, the renderer  
is re-used to display another data object, but remains in edit mode.  
I tried using the dataChange event to put the renderer back into view  
mode, but this event seems to get fired more frequently than one  
might expect and I couldn't then edit the items at all.

Whats the best way to detect when I need to change states?

I'm also a bit confused over the whole item editor discussion in the  
docs. I don't understand why we need the concept of an item editor  
per se and the whole update cycle that goes with it, since the  
renderer component can update the data object directly on its own.

Any help appreciated.


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