
I have been reading the various drag and drop examples and tutorials that
I've found online and in the docs, but am having issues with a complex drag
and drop interface that I can't seem to figure out. I'm wondering if the way
I have structured my MXML will even allow me to do what I want to do. Any
help or advice would be much appreciated.

I have three Panels, each Panel contains a custom component that is based on
the TileList class.
Each of these TileLists uses an item renderer that is a TileList, so I have
2 levels of nested TileLists.
Each of the nested TileLists has an item renderer that is a small custom
component based on a canvas, and those components hold all the data I need
to get to. What I essentially have are a bunch of "blocks" and these need to
get dragged around within the various nested TileLists (at the bottom

I have all drag and drop functionality turned on, and dragging and dropping
everywhere is working fine. However I have not been able to figure out how
to get the property data from the various drag/drop targets correctly.

When a bottom-level tile is dragged and dropped, I need to know from which
top-level tile it was dragged from/to and also the properites of the lower
level tile (IE which tile was dragged where). Because I've used custom
components with item renderers, the path to the various children are numbers
assigned by Flex, not readily identifiable properties. Although I can get
the top-level TileList name, I can't seem to find anything below that, not
to mention the custom properties assigned to the lower level Tiles.

Hopefully this makes sense! I'm wondering if I should have used repeaters
instead of nested lists with item renderers, which would allow me to
explicitly identify the various tiles.

Thanks so much for any advice or examples.


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