I have a custom chat adapter that uses hibernate to log all chat
messages to the db.  I use a hibernate.cfg.xml file that binds the
hibernate SessionFactory to jndi (in jboss).  On initialization of the
chat adapter, it grabs the sessionfactory from the jndi and opens a
new session.  Took me a while to get this going but it works.  Here's
the crazy thing I don't get:

If I rename the service id of my data-management-config.xml from
data-service to anything else (i.e. data-service1), the hibernate
configuration loads BEFORE my chat adapter initializes.  If I leave it
as the default, the chat adapter loads first and then fails because
the sessionfactory isn't bound to jndi yet.  I just don't get why the
ID of the data service can affect the sequence of events.  Anyone?


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