It's your services-config.xml that is off. Try using this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <service id="amfphp-flashremoting-service"
            <destination id="amfphp">
                    <channel ref="my-amfphp"/>

        <channel-definition id="my-amfphp" 
            <endpoint uri="http://localhost/amfphp/gateway.php"; 

Set destination to 'amfphp' and 'endpoint' to your ColdFusion endpoint 
in the RemoteObject tag. Then you can change the 'amfphp' names to 
'coldFusion' if it bothers you ;)


Jim Pickering a écrit :
> [RPC Fault faultString= "[MessagingError message='Unknown
> destination' Coldfusion' .']" faultCode="InvokeFa iled"
> faultDetail= "Couldn'testabli sh a connection to 'Coldfusion' "]
> Everything is default. CFMX 7.0.2 Multiserver on IIS DevNet Edition for
> Development on one machine. FlexBuilder2 on my workstation machine. A
> drive mapping to the webroot and to the JRun4 folder. My Flex Project is
> configured and successfully validated to the root folder at
> J:\servers\cfusion\ cfusion-ear\ cfusion-war.
> Compiler in FlexBuilder 2 is comfigured with this: -services
> "J:\servers\ cfusion\cfusion- ear\cfusion- war\WEB-INF\ flex\services- 
> config\
> .xml" -locale en_US
> This is as basic as it gets - I am trying to get a HelloWorld app (from
> actually) working with Flex 2 and CF via Remoting on a
> remoteCF Development Server. Can this work or is there a bug with Flex
> 2which requires that CF be loaded locally for development?
> If anyone is successfully developing Flex 2 apps with a remote
> Coldfusion server, I would appreciate it if you could walk me through
> the setup steps. Below are more details of what I've done so far.
> ------------ --------- --------- -------
> I have taken the time to read past entries on this topic, but the issues
> were slightly different than mine and didn't offer enough of a solution
> to help resolve my issue.
> In my HelloFromColdfusion .mxml file is the following code:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf- 8"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe. com/2006/ mxml 
> <>"
> layout="vertical" >
> <mx:RemoteObject id="cfService"
> destination= "Coldfusion"
> source="flex2btb. cfc.MyService" />
> <mx:Button label="Call Coldfusion" click="cfService. helloWorld( )"/>
> <mx:Label text="{cfService. helloWorld. lastResult} " fontSize="18" />
> </mx:Application>
> In a subdirectory in the webroot called flex2btb, in the flex directory
> is MyService.cfc. I have the crossdomain. xml file in my webroot also.
> The code is very basic:
> <cfcomponent extends="Service" >
> <cffunction name="helloWorld" access="remote" returntype=" string">
> <cfreturn "Hello World from Coldfusion">
> </cffunction>
> </cfcomponent>
> BTW, I get the blank white screen when I browse to
> http://www.[mydomainhere] .com/flex2gatewa y.
> I get this error when I run the app at
> http://www.[mydomainhere] .com/flex2btb/ flex/HelloFromCo ldFusion. html:
> [RPC Fault faultString= "[MessagingError message='Unknown destination
> 'Coldfusion' .']" faultCode="InvokeFa iled" faultDetail= "Couldn't
> establish a connection to 'Coldfusion' "]
> at
> mx.rpc::AbstractInv oker/http://www.adobe. com/2006/ flex/mx/internal 
> ::invo\
> ke <>()
> at
> mx.rpc.remoting. mxml::Operation/http://www.adobe. com/2006/ 
> flex/mx/intern\
> al::invoke <>()
> at mx.rpc.remoting: :Operation/ send()
> at Function/http://adobe. com/AS3/2006/ builtin:: apply 
> <>()
> at mx.rpc.remoting. mxml::Operation/ send()
> at Function/http://adobe. com/AS3/2006/ builtin:: apply 
> <>()
> at
> mx.rpc::AbstractSer vice/http://www.adobe. com/2006/ actionscript/ 
> flash/pro\
> xy::callProperty 
> <>()
> at HelloFromColdFusion /___Button1_ click()
> My services-config. xml file is default, but I have tried some different
> settings, restarting my CF server with every change; none worked
> successfully. I've tried the default endpoint line and I tried putting
> in http://www.[mydomainname] .com/flex2gatewa y. Both throw the same
> error.
> <channels>
> <channel-definition id="my-cfamf"
> class="mx.messaging .channels. AMFChannel" >
> <endpoint
> uri="http:// {} :{server. port}{context. root}/flex2gatew ay/"
> class="flex. messaging. endpoints. AMFEndpoint" />
> <properties>
> <polling-enabled> false</polling- enabled>
> <serialization>
> <instantiate- types>false< /instantiate- types>
> </serialization>
> </properties>
> </channel-definitio n>
> </channels>
> Is anybody using a remote Coldfusion development server with Flex 2 and
> Remoting? I'd appreciate ideas to try or solutions to this mystery. I'm
> not the type that likes to get super deep into the why and how it works.
> I just want it to work so I can start developing my Flex 2/CF app.
> Thanks,
> Jim Pickering

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