More or less this post is a question.

With regards to the use of Adobe Consulting's Observe utility i'm not getting the expected result.

I've got some simple code where i wish to execute a function when a value gets set via binding.
When i create my Observe instance the value has not yet been set.

The unexpected result is that,
1. The callbackHandler gets fired immediately after i set observe.handler, even though the value i have set to observe.source is == null 2. The callbackHandler is not getting called when the value does get set.

Here's my code anyway.

private function init():void
        var ac:Observe = new Observe();
        ac.source = distribMap_model.templateSwfAsset;
        ac.handler = playTemplatePreview;

private function playTemplatePreview(e:*):void

private var model:AMModelLocator = AMModelLocator.getInstance();
private var distribMap_model:DistribMappingModel = model.tc_model.distribMap_model;

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