> Not sure if this is even possible, but in any case, I can't seem to
> find anything that can listen to a dispatched event from the 
> I've tried listening for the event on the datagrid, the datagrid
> column, and the component containing the datagrid... all giving
> errors.  Is this not possible? Or is there a better way to 
approach this?

why don't you create a custom event (with bubbles=true) which your 
datagrid listens to and your itemEditor dispatches

in <mx:DataGrid initialize="startUP()">
public function startUP():void 
  addEventListener("myEvent", myEventHandler);
public function myEventHandler(e:myEvent):void

in your comboBox itemEditor <mx:ComboBox change="doChange(event)">
public function doChange(event:Event):void
 dispatchEvent(new MyEvent());

        import flash.events.Event;
        public class MyEvent extends Event
           public function MyEvent()
              super("myEvent", true, true);


see if that works. if it does, i'm sure you'll need to add a few 
extra bits to this.

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