I highly recommend it as well.

As a simple example, I might want to enhance the List component to 
autoscroll to the selected item upon selection. Simply create a class 
'AutoscrollList.as' that you can then use that class in your MXML 
<ui:AutoscrollList />.  (code included below)

Like others, I don't use it when I add one or two UI centric functions 
to a UI class.


package ui
    import mx.controls.List;

    public class AutoscrollList extends ExtendedList
        override public function set selectedIndex( value:int ):void
            super.selectedIndex = value;
        override public function set selectedItem( value:Object ):void
            super.selectedItem = value;
        override public function set dataProvider( value:Object ) : void
            super.dataProvider = value;
        public function scrollToSelected() : void
            // TRICKY: Delay the invocation to avoid redraw bugs 
starting in 2.0.1
            if ( selectedIndex >= 0 )
                callLater( scrollToIndex, [ selectedIndex ] );           
            //this.scrollToIndex( selectedIndex );

ben.clinkinbeard wrote:
> I am undecided as to whether or not I want to use the code behind
> method for my MXML files and figured I would see what others are
> doing. I am currently just using Script blocks at the top of my files
> to do event handling, initialization, etc but some of them are getting
> pretty big.
> So what are others doing? No AS in your MXML files, no code behind, a
> mixture of the two?
> Thanks,
> Ben

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