Thanks for the detailed reply. You might think about posting that to your blog since I have seen very little discussion about VO's in PHP and whether to use them or not. i think you have valuable insight..

(I've seen people send SQL over the
wire, unencrypted, and unsecured)
Sadly, in my first remoting app, I did this!!

About ORM, the next version of amfphp will support Zend DB, so I'd
recommend trying out Zend_Db_Table, I looked at the docs yesterday and
it's pretty sweet. Doesn't handle associations or anything but it's
still cool. There's also Propel/Creole.
i like the simplcity of Zend_Db_Table. thanks for suggesting that. I like how easy it is to access to database. However, my only worry about using classes like this are that sometimes make it too easy to modify the data. I sometimes like to use separate mysql users (& php clases) for my delete, insert, & select queries. i am not sure that this is possible in something like this. (And I don't really know if it makes anything more secure.)

Propel/Creole seems good, but after looking at it closely for our uses a while back, we decided that it involved too many abstraction layers to deal with. Ultimately (for our project) we could probably do the whole thing much simpler coding the classes ourselves and writing our own SQL...

Thanks again,

- Kevin

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